How to remove the sensitivity of the teeth

How to remove the sensitivity of the teeth

Sensitive teeth can pretty to spoil you the usual daily life if you do not do this problem in a timely manner. Do not expect that even the cold mucous lips will begin to hurt you, and do the health of your teeth now. If your sensitivity gives you pain and strong discomfort, then such a problem is solved in the office at the dentist. If you just feel discomfort, when drinking tea or eat ice cream, you can try to get discomfort on your own correct hygiene, folk remedies and pharmaceuticals. Learn more about lowering sensitivity in this article.

How to remove the sensitivity of the teeth with special pasta

In the pharmacies of your city, you can find professional pastes for cleaning teeth that use courses and strictly according to the instructions. The cost of such means is different from ordinary: it is an order of magnitude more. But remember that this therapeutic paste and use it on an ongoing basis is simply impossible.

Compelate with your dentist - it will easily pick up the paste at your teeth and problems. The result from use should appear in two weeks if you have not noticed any changes, please contact a new doctor's recommendation.

The principle of the treatment of therapeutic pastes against sensitivity is similar to dental gels: they clog the channels on the gums, fill the porous teeth, restore the process of tooth mineralization.

How to remove the sensitivity of the teeth - give up a very hot and very cold

Accustomed to drink warm tea and coffee, eat ice cream spoon, and not bite it. Dentists do not recommend drinking hot drinks more often than once a day. If you and so have increased sensitivity, it will only aggravate your position.

Cool your tea before you start drinking it. Do not abusely also with sharp, salted products. It has long been known that salty food is capable of oxidizing faster. Do not forget about chewing gum after meals: it needs to chew two or three minutes after eating, but no more.

Refuse fast food and other harmful products: they spoil your enamel. Especially, carbonated drinks with bright dyes.

How to remove the sensitivity of the teeth - use folk recipes

Some funds made independently can restore your enamel and significantly reduce the sensitivity of each teeth and gums in general.

Essential oils

Mix two or three drops of essential oil Melissa, tea tree and eucalyptus in warm water. Rinse this mixture the oral cavity twice a day: in the morning and in the evening for two weeks. The mixture must be delayed in the mouth for about twenty seconds, then spinning and typing new. You can combine oils by changing them on mint, coniferous and peach.

Broth Romashki.

One of the most effective ways to combat teeth sensitivity, as well as gum inflammation. Buy daisy flowers in the pharmacy and boil them on the slab about half an hour. On three tablespoons of chamomile, take half of the liter of pure water. Let it implant the brave of about two hours, cool it and rinse three times a day for a month.
For prevention, repeat the course every four months.

If your sensitivity does not pass, then you need a specialist help. Perhaps the whole thing in a certain disease that the dentist simply missed sights. Only quality assistance and elimination of disease causes are able to reduce the sensitivity of the tooth in such cases. Remember the teeth and gum hygiene, do not miss the cleaning of the teeth and use the dental thread after eating to avoid the deposition of the dental stone.

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