Dairy teeth in children - loss scheme

Dairy teeth in children - loss scheme

The process of replacing milk teeth for permanent lasts 7-9 years, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Standard loss begins with incisors, molars and fangs leave for them. Minor deviations may be associated with a lack of calcium, household injury in a child or hereditary predisposition. In this case, the doctor's consultation is necessary, and sometimes a small operation.

Dairy and permanent - features of the structure and growth

Twenty-milk teeth have a bluish tint and thin roots that are formed in a child in the womb. Their shifts take more space in the oral cavity and develop longer.

Permanent teeth are larger and stronger, and their strong roots grow several years. The replacement procedure begins at 5 years, sometimes a year earlier or later. The main thing is that by this moment the body was ready for metamorphosis. Basic conditions of successful start:

  • proportional increase in jaw bones;
  • expansion of gaps between the first teeth;
  • milk root resorption;
  • formation of constant teeth.

The teething is usually not reflected in the overall state of the baby. There are no temperatures and pain, and the child can remove the sharpened tooth may even independently.

Standard Karaul change diagram

Milk teeth fall out in the same sequence as they grew. In girls, the process begins a little earlier than the boys. The first of their place of residence leave the teeth of the lower jaw, symmetrically on the right and left sides.

The standard mechanism is as follows:

  1. Behind the dairy teeth there are six - these are the first constant molars. They are imperceptible made in 4-5 years.
  2. Fully formed by the new four teeth flashes the body that it has time to change, begin to catch the front cutters on the lower jaw.
  3. During the preparation for school or in the first grade, the lower central cutters falls out and on their place almost immediately the caps of constant teeth are shown.
  4. Units of the top row leave their place of residence in when a child is studying in the first second class.
  5. The roots of the side cutters, as the dentists say, two begin to dissipate at a six-year-old age and fall to eight years.
  6. At seven years, the roots of small and large molars weaken, but if the troika falls out to the maximum of ten years, the fives can be alone and up to 13 years.
  7. At eight years, the process of changing the fangs begins and within three years four falls out.

The mechanism of falling out of dairy teeth is clearly described by dentists, but to predict when the child falls the first tooth is difficult even by a specialist. The process of growing teeth is influenced by many factors, so once every six months with the child you need to visit the dentist. The doctor will determine how symmetrically the bite is formed and the defects manifest themselves in time with the growth of constant teeth.

Comments leave a comment
Darinka. 27/09/2018 at 10:28

It seems to me in this period it is very important that in the diet of the child there is enough calcium and vitamin D. I even additionally give the vitamins of calcium +, for the growth of teeth and bones. Teeth need to take care.

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Emilia 16/04/2019 at 23:04

Oh, we are just now at that age when the permanent climb begins the replacement of dairy. There were a dentist, the process goes according to plan. The only thing that advised more to eat hard food, and the baby's baby formula give. Vitamins for the health and fortress of teeth. By the way, he also advised to allow hygiene removal, thoroughly to clean, so that the food does not remain between the teeth there was no praise.

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