How to remove cuticle

How to remove cuticle

If the nails are neatly shed and the cuticle has been removed from them, they look well-groomed even without lacquer. The cuticle is a burned skin layer that increases on the nails and visually makes them slightly. The best cuticle is removed in manicure salons, where the wizard can offer several methods: cutting with scissors (cutting manicure) or the use of a special machine with a rotating nozzle (manicure hardware).

Home Cuticle Removal Methods

Alone, the cuticle can be removed using thin manicure scissors - this method requires jewelry accuracy and hardness of the hands. The second home method is the use of special liquid compositions, which first soften the cuticles, and then prevent its growth. Now we will consider in detail these two methods and tell about their "pros" and "minuses."

Cutting cuticle scissors

Before starting to trim the skin growing on your nails, raise your hands in warm water with soap or gel for the shower. After 10-15 minutes of a special wooden or stainless steel blade, push the cuticle from the nail hole towards the joints of the fingers. Skilled and raised cuticle cut off, leading thin rounded scissors along the nail hole. Do it very slowly and carefully, so as not to damage the living fabric.

The plus cutting of the cuticle is that removal takes place very quickly, almost for half an hour.

Cuticle circumcision cuts:

  • After cutting the cuticle begins to grow even stronger, and it becomes more coarse.
  • In the absence of skills, it is very easy to cut a living skin near the nails or even damage them.

If you cut the skin, then process hydrogen peroxide rings and lubricate with bacterial ointment. If this is not done, the impodent can begin, which will switch to the nail plate.

Removal of cuticle with special means

Special tools are produced in the form of oily liquids, dense ointments or pencils. All of them in their composition have active substances that contribute to the softening of the cuticle and its further elimination. Any means is applied to the cuticle as it recommends a manufacturer. In any case, this is preferably every day until the nails acquire a well-kept look.

Pluses of removal of cuticle with special means:

  • The skin and nails are not injured.
  • Nails receive their portion of vitamins that necessarily eat in all fluids.

Cough removal of cuticle with special means:

  • For complete removal of the cuticle may take several days.
  • Perhaps you have to try multiple money to find your optimal option.

Tools for removing the cuticle are produced today by almost all manufacturers who are engaged in caring means: Orly, Be Natural, Eveline, Sally Hansen, new dawn and others. You can choose any, focusing on the degree of expanding the cuticle and the price of the means.

Combination of two methods

If your hands are quite launched, for example, after the summer season, try to combine the two methods described immediately. First, for several days, apply any cosmetic to the cuticle and move the skin with a spatula. When the cuticle becomes loose, very carefully cut it with scissors. Next, apply a gel or liquid as you see the signs of the rise of the cuticle, and must shift it down. It is no need to crop the skin, because the cuticle will stop growing intensively, and if it is, it will solve its selected cosmetics.

Removal of the cuticle - a procedure that should not be neglected. In the launched hands, sowers are formed, which begin to bleed and root. In the hands, where the cuticle is not removed, even the most beautiful varnish looks inaccurarately and rude.

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