How to clean silver from black

How to clean silver from black

Most of you in the collection there are quite a few silver things. Perhaps this is not only jewelry, but also kitchen utensils. Over time, they can lose their former shine and be covered with black raid. How to get rid of it, while maintaining the quality of the source material? There are several different ways. However, these methods are suitable only for cleaning products without pearls and amber!

The first and, probably, the easiest and most reliable way is to clean the products with special solutions. They can be purchased in the jewelry store. Examples of the appropriate means: Silver Quick, LeuchTTURM liquid for silver cleaning and other. The decorations are immersed in this solution for a few minutes, then get, washed with clean water and wipe with a rag. In addition to cleaning, such agents will save products from oxidation by creating a protective film on them. This method is reliable, however, it requires a visit to specialized stores. If you do not have such a possibility - pay attention to the folk cleaning methods indicated below.

One of the most well-known and guaranteeing positive results of methods is purification in the salt solution. You will need an aluminum container, water and salt. The decorations fall into boiling water with the addition of several tablespoons of salt for 1-2 minutes. Pay attention to the saucepan must be aluminum. If there is no one - you can unlock the bottom of any pot foil. Black Patina will be easily easily. To secure the result, rinse with flowing cold water. Instead of salt, you can use food soda.

For the next method, you will need a toothpaste and brush. This method is well suitable for rings or cutlery. Clear chains or carvings in this way will not work. To remove blacks, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the decorations with a toothpaste or dental powder. Eraser is also suitable (washing gum), used in a similar way.

Why nevertheless darken silver things? The main reason is, of course, moisture. With a duty of contact with the water surface, silver begins to oxidize. To preserve the glitter of jewelry for a long time, remove silver products when washing dishes, as well as when applying a cream or oil on the skin. If you wear these things are properly, it is better to store them wrapped in aluminum foil.

Of course, it is better to prevent silver darkening than to deal with it. However, remember that this problem is not as terrible, as it seems. Using the methods described above, you can easily get rid of blacks on jewelry, and they will delight you with their glitter and beauty for a long time.

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