How to clean the pool

How to clean the pool

Any artificial reservoir, such as a pool or waterfall, must be cleaned regularly. However, in each particular case, the procedure for funds and equipment may differ. Pool cleaning provides a whole range of procedures.

Before cleaning the pool, check the level of acid-alkaline equilibrium, i.e. PH level. To determine, use special testers, a large selection of which is presented on the site. "Pools and equipment". Alignment of the pH level up to 7.2-7.4 significantly increases the effectiveness of disinfectants. Powders for aligning the pH level on website.

Features of the Pool cleaning procedure are as follows:

  • Do not use abrasive agents and metal brushes to avoid surface damage, because Formed cracks will be rapidly polluted, which can lead to a deterioration in appearance or to destroy the surface of the pool.
  • Use the means specifically designed to clean the pools, for example, do not use foaming means that are not intended for the pools to avoid the occurrence of the foam after it filling it with water.
  • Dress up protective suits, gloves, glasses.
  • When buying cleaning products, make an emphasis on the material from which the pool bowl is made.

Often on the walls of the basin, white divorces or stains are formed - it is the deposition of minerals contained in water. Conventional cleaning and detergents cannot cope with the so-called waterstop. There are many special products, for example, "E 90 Super", "Valo Clean", "Water Pool" of Docker Kemikal GmbH Rus, "Multimateid from 40". To get rid of the plaque and give a shining view of the surface without causing damage to it:

  • fully lower the water;
  • apply throughout the surface of the bowl prepared in accordance with the instructions, using a ductuous roller;
  • hold the tool the required amount of time;
  • special brush, clean until the waterstock is completely removed;
  • wash the water jet or use water sprayers;
  • remove water from the bottom of the pool with waterproof.


26 Cheytenell Antimineral-Lacto

Before filling the pool with water, process the entire surface of the bowl with a solution of algicide with a concentration of 1%, leave until complete drying. Such processing prevents the development of algae and flowering water.

If the pool is located in an open territory, then the risk of water pollution with leaves, dust, spores of plants, other garbage, which can sow on the surface and day. In this case, it is necessary to make mechanical cleaning. A large garbage can be collected by a large church, and for smaller, special filtering equipment used, using diatomite, cartridge or sand filters, and a variety of underwater vacuum cleaners. Choose equipment according to the water volume in the pool. First of all, using the filter installation, clean the water, then apply the vacuum cleaner. One of the advantages of the underwater vacuum cleaner before manual cleaning is the instantaneous removal of contaminants into the internal device filters, with manual operation, the dirt is dissolved in water.

Water is the best medium for reproduction of various organisms, including pathogens. In order to deal with them effectively, use chemicals with disinfectant properties. Main ways of disinfection of water in the pool:

  • Wide distribution received chlorination due to low cost, ease of implementation and high disinfecting effect. However, along with positive nuances, there are also negative sides - often causes allergies, has an unpleasant sharp smell, capable of provoking cancer.
  • Ultraviolet disinfection, affecting DNA of microorganisms, prevents their further reproduction. After processing, water does not cause allergies. Using devices for UV radiation, observe all precautions provided by the manufacturer, as well as perform the requirements for the care and replacement of consumables. Sometimes an ultrasound is used in the complex with UV irradiation.
  • Chemicals containing bromine and silver are effective, but carry a hazard for the filtering unit, polluting it.
  • Ozonizing the water in the pool using the ozone generator has the greatest effect on disinfection, does not lead to allergic reactions, removes the smell of chlorine, killing microorganisms associated with it.
  • To clean the composite pools, it is an effective way to saturate water with copper and silver ions. At the same time, special equipment is used, but the ions also settle in the filter, which becomes an additional means to disinfection. Water saturated with copper and silver does not cause allergies, struggling with bacteria and viruses and improves metabolism in the body.

All measures for water purification and swimming pool bowls are for greater efficiency in the complex, combining them in the best way, depending on what volume of water, the material of the bowl, the type of basin.

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