How to care for knitwear

How to care for knitwear

Any knitted female clothes requires careful to yourself relations. The basis for leaving knitwear is washing, drying and careful ironing. We will need: water, a basin, knitwear powder, knitwear air conditioning, 2 towels or a special knitwear dryer, iron.

1) Wash.   Take it threadand cut off sleeves on edgesso they not will be stretch and deform. Soak thing not more how on the 20 minutes in warm water. If a water will be too much hot, then thing « sitting» and will become unsuitable for wearing. At execution this procedures preferably not apply powders, a use crushed soap (two gram on the one liter). AT case, when you decided wash thing without soaking, dilute detergent means in water so, to it turned out concentrated solution, and moisten this solution those her sites, which more total polluted. Through quarter hours get started to actually washing. Washing knitwear, use appropriate special means. For example, powder Laska, producedcompany Henkel. He fitshow for manual washing, so and for washing in car. Wash knitwear only in soft watertough water softer one tea spoon bicarbonate sodium (drinking soda).

2) Drying. Categorically not recommended dry knitwear on the rope, to he not lost forms from stretching. Take it terry towel and put on the him things (previously slightly having squeezed), a above cover them others makhrov towel. When will pass near hours, replace lower towel. You can use this net for knitwear:

3) Ironing. Fully dried product can iron outside. In time ironing treat surfaces things iron only slightly. Products with applied on the them print or high pile should urate with the inside. If a there is relief patterns, then them better not iron generally, to they not stretched out and not become flat.

Follow the advice, and your knitted things will give you your softness more than once.

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Valery Morozova 06/27/2019 at 16:32

My children mostly go in knitwear and I buy it a lot. We tried different manufacturers and brands, but recently we order in Kogankids. This is an online store of cool children's clothing, and at fairly attractive prices! They bring everything exactly at the agreed time, and even the delivery is free. Beauty!


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