Tattoo - how to care

Tattoo - how to care

The tattoo makes expressive facial features, refreshing it. In addition, you will be delivered to the need for daily use of decorative cosmetics. However, during the healing period, you should carefully and properly care for the site, otherwise permanent makeup can be spoiled.

The tattoo heals over 3-7 days. At this time, pay great attention to the protection against infection. To do this, give up the adoption of hot baths, visiting baths and saunas. Do not swim in open water bodies and public swimming pools. Remember that in connection with abundant sweating, there is also infection, so avoid sweat in the ranks and forget about visiting the gym and active physical exertion for post-departure time.

The second important point is no mechanical impact. In no case should not stick the tattoo with a bactericidal plaster, and the usual too. When the site is covered with a crust, do not fumble and do not remove it. Remember that it should be exfoliated by itself. If it is crawled, permanent makeup will deteriorate. The fact is that under the crust, the skin absorbs the tightened pigment. If you delete it, then under it there will be nevertheless places, as it will be absorbed simply.

When caring for permanent makeup, take into account the time of year when it was made. In the healing period, protect it from the wind and frost. See that the crust does not cling to clothes - a scarf or cap. On the hot season of the year, immediately after the procedure is not recommended to stay in the sun, since ultraviolet irradiation can destroy the pigment, which can cause a change in the colors. Wrap a tattoo from sunlight with a headdress and glasses, but it is better to do it at least a month before the vacation.

At the time of post-care it is worth refraining from receiving any antibiotics. It is also not worth taking medicines that provoke blood thinning. Such drugs are aspirin and analgin. In addition, at the time, the skin will be restored, and these are 7 days, refuse to decorative cosmetics at the zone of the tattoo.

The greatest dangers are waiting for girls with lips tattoo. In this case, Herpes may appear. To avoid an attack of the virus for 3-5 days before the procedure, it is worth drinking antivirus drugs Zovirax, acyclovir, Virolex. You can also use herpevir ointment. The most important thing at the lip healing stage is to prevent their dryness and cracking of the crust, otherwise the contour will succeed with spaces. Therefore, it is recommended to lubricate your lips several times a day, panting or bipantine, leaving 10 minutes, and then removing the remnants with a napkin, or a hygaters of a lipstick antigerpes. Any natural cosmetic oil is suitable. However, it is important not to rearrange and not twist the crust, since in this case it will also disappear, increasing the healing process. Continue to care for lips within two weeks. Refuse alcohol and hot drinks, otherwise you can burn the wound. The same applies to the use of acute food with pepper and seasonings.

A century tattoo usually causes swelling. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, it can stay from 1 day to 3 days. To reduce the edema, be sure to use special ointments. The most effective of them is hydrocarticizon. On the second day, even a very large swelling of the upper and lower eyelids. To remove redness and eye irritation after the procedure, drip the visiting drops. They will also help prevent infection. A small eyelid swelling will be removed by a cotton tampon, moistened with a boric acid solution (1 tsp per liter of boiled water). You can put ice cubes, but not on the very eyelid, so as not to catch your eyes, but on a gauze bandage. When using lenses, the first three days should not be done. In addition, try not to drink fluid on the night, so there will be less swelling the next day.

The eyebrows are healing days for 7. Immediately after the procedure, edema is also possible, so it is recommended to use ointment - traumel-s, solkoirel, ethony or actovegin. So that the tattoo does not beat with time, apply on the skin of the cream, which has a high SPF coefficient. With itching in the zone of the tattoo in the period of healing, an antihistamine drug should be taken. For eyebrows care, it is possible to use light agents, which contain vitamins A and D. But the fat cream is not worth it, since in this case the water exchange of the skin is disturbed, which provokes a slow lifting of the tattoo.

The cream and ointment prescribed by the master and ointment are recommended to use and after the healing of the tattoo. It must be done for two more weeks. Just at this time, pigment will be finally formed and the result can be estimated. Full skin will recover in 30 days in young girls. Women older will have to wait a little more - a month and a half. After that, it is necessary to refer to the beautician again, since it may be necessary to be corrected.

Yes, the care of the tattoo is not as simple as you might think right away. We will have to strictly fulfill these requirements and adhere to some restrictions. But after, when the wounds are healing, and the skin will restrict, there will be no problems, on the contrary, your life in terms of makeup is much easier.

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