How to care for parquet

How to care for parquet

Parquet floors requires a careful relationship and careful care. But in response, he is ready to decorate the life of his owner, at a minimum for 60 years. For this it is worth learn the basic rules of cleaning and work a little.

Since parquet is made of wood, it is sensitive to the environment. So that the boards do not swell, did not change the shape and structure, the constant atmosphere should be maintained in the room: about 20-24 degrees of heat and 45-60% humidity. It will help to cope with this task of houseplants, aquarium, miniature waterfall.

To protect the top cover of the parquet, it is advisable to put mats in the places of the greatest load. Most often this area near the entrance door, corridors, stairs. The furniture can also cause harm to the wooden floor, so on the legs of the chairs and tables, special stickers from the felt or a suitable material are fixed on the wheels of other interior items.

Save the beautiful floor and create a unique design of the room with a creative approach. A variety of furniture feet covers are able to decorate any home!

Parquet, covered with varnish, should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner or broom. When the garbage is assembled, the coating can be wiped slightly damp soft cloth. Excess water is destroyed for wood floor, it is important not to overdo it here. Soft detergents are allowed, for example, a soap solution or special carket care shampoos. When executed outlined rules such a parquet will not lose the presentable type for 5-10 years, but then it will need grinding and re-coating with varnish.

If the parquet floor is opened with oil, its wet cleaning is made without water, only with the help of the chemicals intended for this. After 6-8 months of operation, you should update the protective coating, pre-grinding is not required.

In the case of laminated parquet (laminate), gentle cleaning is also welcome. Special sprays are deleted efficiently. You can not apply the steam function of the vacuum cleaner to the laminate. Abundant pollution should be washed with a light soap solution or pasta to clean the laminate.

The general cleaning of the parquet should not be carried out too often. It is advisable only in case of severe pollution. Created to actively clean the means simply erase the protective layer of wood, if applying them every week. Among the soft parquet floor cleaners, the following are the following: Aqua Sport Wood Flor Cleaner, Rubi's cliner, GlutoClean Pufas, Loba Parckettcare.


The use of these simple rules will extend the life of a parquet floor, will provide its excellent, brilliant look. It is worth paying the coverage of an extra time, and it will repay the storm!

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