How to make a chimney

How to make a chimney

Despite the fact that the furnace heating begins to go into the past, the relevance of the construction of furnaces is still not subject to doubt. They are often used for baths, saunas and stationary mangals. In this article, we will look at the main schemes for creating and installing chimneys.

To begin with, determine the most suitable design, then select the material for it. Consider the main options:

  • Hidden. Install in the ventilation channels of the houses at home. Models are made of bricks or modular blocks. These materials are not combustible, so ideally suited for "inland" chimneys.
  • External. Installed on the housing facade. The ideal material for this model is an asbestos-cement pipe, because it is able to withstand all weather conditions.
  • Nazadny Join the Outdoor Outlet of the furnace. These models are preferable to produce from metal, but it all depends on the design of the room., Therefore, other options can also be applied.
  • Indigenous. They have the kind of vertical riser on their own foundation. As in the first case, ceramic materials such as bricks or modular blocks will be more suitable for these models.

Hidden chimney. Before starting work, make sure that there is a hole for the passage of the chimney pipe. You can build a chimney channel based on blocks and install it into the carrier wall. The installation process resembles the laying of plaster blocks. First install the gasket from asbestos on the oven. Apply a special adhesive mixture with increased fire resistance and put the first block. Align it with a level. In the same way, install the second block. When the design goes onto the roof, insulate the pipe together with the roof material. Then set the chimney protective design from the rain.


External chimney. Pipes from asbestos-cement modules must be installed along the facade in the bottom-up direction. In the bearing wall of the house, make a special hole through which the horizontal flue of the chimney will be derived. The lower part of the pipe strengthen the add-in, which should be based on its own foundation. Install the pipes to the facade with the help of metal clamps pre-attached to the wall. Docking the horizontal and vertical site. Subscribe in the form of a tee. Low part of the tee muffle the removable lid.

Hoody chimney. Metal pipes are installed in the form of a collapsible structure, which must be at least two-section. The first knee can fire for several seasons of operation. Before installing, make a layer of refractory isolation at the point of passage of the pipe. Then put on the first knee of the chimney at the output air vent. Enter the second knee into the room through the attic overlap and fix on the refractory strut. When the second element is fixed, connect it with the first knee. Third plot enter in the attic through the passage in the roof. The location of the chimney out of the roof is overceded by a special casing. It is important to remember that if the pipes are made of metal, waterproofing should consist of non-combustible materials. If the pipe passes through the unheated part of the dwelling, be sure to insulate it from contact with cold air.

Native chimney. Brickwork is a more complicated way of building a pipe. To create a chimney channel, the area is sufficiently size in the size of the brick. Therefore, for each layer, the pipe will be needed only four or six bricks. To begin with, build a foundation with a height of at least 30 cm. Then start the layer laying in such a way that the docking seam of the lower row is under the whole brick. Over the pipe outlet point to form Borovok. With it, you can shift the axis of piercing the roof of the site relative to the axis located in the room of the pipe. In the picture in the variant "A" showing a holy chimney, in the variant "B" - native.


The art put the furnace is a whole science. But with a competent approach and accurate execution of all stages, you can create and install a good chimney, which will serve you for many years.

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