How to apply decorative plaster on the wall

How to apply decorative plaster on the wall

Decorative stucco for walls is a wonderful environmentally friendly and moisture-proof material. There are many ways to apply to the surface, each of which can give a unique picture, depending on the fantasy flight of its author. Let's look at some of them. It will take the following to work:

  • decorative plaster;
  • malanna grater;
  • putty knife;
  • primer;
  • rollers;
  • paper;
  • the cloth;
  • brushes;
  • polyethylene film;
  • sponge;
  • stencils.

Initially, it is necessary to make preparatory work. This process begins with cleaning walls from the old coating. All noticeable potholes and cracks should be sharpened. To create a solid adhesion of decorative plaster with the surface of the walls, they should be cleaned of dust, and then primed with a roller.

The plaster enters the sale in the form of a finished composition, or a dry mixture. The finished solution is enough to mix in a couple of minutes. The dry mixture falls asleep into the plastic container, it is locked with water and is mixed with a mixer. If the color of the decorative plaster is white, then color pigment can be added to it during the preparation of the solution.


After the preparation of the walls, the first layer of plaster with a thickness of 2-5 mm is applied. The fine-grained mixture can be applied with a shatter, for other cases a spatula, grater and roller are suitable. Distributing the mixture on the surface, it is necessary to compact it with a painting grater, and at the end of all actions to give a layer to dry.

For further work on creating a decorative layer, you need to include your fantasy and skill. To splashing the mixture for the second layer, broom and stick are used. The broom is dipped into the solution, and then hesitated with his handle about a stick to obtain splashes flying onto the wall. On its surfaces, decorative plaster flakes remain different in magnitude. When using mixtures of different colors, the result of this method of work looks very effectively.

There is another method. The second layer of the decorative mortar is applied with a spatula. Then you need to squeeze into the hands of a piece of film or paper and a crumpled tampone alternately apply to the wet plaster, creating a pattern on the wall. The same can be done with a piece of fabric, rolled into the harness, which is rolled along the fresh plaster, leaving the pattern. Special rollers with embossed pattern give the same effect.

A beautifully decorated drawing from decorative plaster can be obtained using a stencil. To do this, it must be applied to the dried wall and apply a solution with a spatula. After removing the stencil on the wall, the pattern will remain. The workpiece can be cut independently or make an order designer.


If you press a sponge or brush with a short pile to fresh plaster, bizarre accommodation and tubercles will appear on the wall surface.

Good professionals can perform Venetian plaster for you. It is notable for a rather complex composition and special technique of work. Such a coating has many layers located in a special way. Thanks to this, the light falling into the drawing gives the pattern of depth.

If desired, decorative plaster can be painted. Before that, she must dry well. For staining, it is convenient to use a wide brush or roller. Enamels or colored varnishes are used as a material.

This is all. Good luck in work!

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