How to decorate the wall with drawings

How to decorate the wall with drawings

Repair in the apartment is not always difficult, unpleasant and painfully long. There are positive points in the repair. The most pleasant and easy step is the ability to independently give the interior of individual and unique beauty due to the idea of \u200b\u200bdecor of the walls by drawings.

To decorate any surface of the walls and each corner of the apartment, you will not need special skills and art. To do this, you will need to prepare the surface of the wall in advance, finish all construction work. Before starting the process, it is necessary to decide in which style the decor should be completed, you need to choose a drawing or ornament.

To begin with, it is worth making a stencil for quick, light and neatly applying decor to the wall. The stencil can be made from almost all improvised materials, for example, of dense cardboard, plastic or film. The selected pattern is transferred to the sheet using a thin marker and cut out with a sharp clerical knife. The stencil can be made from a sheet of ordinary paper, gluing it with tape after applying the image, so the stencil will last longer.

Then the stencil is attached to the selected area of \u200b\u200bthe wall using tape or aerosol glue. You can also make the decor with your own hands from the finished stencil purchased in the store, in which case it is imperative to use aerosol glue for fixation. It is better to apply an abstraction with acrylic paint, which quickly dries and does not leave subtexts. It is most convenient to do this with a foam roller, then the flowing composition of the coloring composition is small, and the pattern is evenly painted over.

As decor of the walls, the shape of butterflies or flowers that are made of colored paper can be used. The forms are cut out, bend in half and glued to the wall with one side, a lively effect of fluttering butterflies over flowers is created, as in the summer garden.

The interior can be interestingly diversified by applying volumetric decor to the walls. With its help, it will be possible to decorate the wall with the frames, and inward attach photos or make a ceiling frieze, visually divide the space in the room. To apply a voluminous image, an acrylic putty is required, which is distributed along the stencil with a special spatula. The pattern is laid in layers up to 3 mm thick. After the abstraction is hardened, the stencil is removed, and it can be tinted with paint.

A beautiful wall decor can be achieved through the use of various materials. With the help of foam or rubber rollers on which the pattern is cut. Win a woolen thread on a regular roller, and you get a voluminous pattern. The wall can be decorated with a beautiful panel, which is made of scraps of wallpaper and painted with colorful drawings using a stencil.

The main thing is to connect a creative approach and then it will be possible to realize the most daring ideas for decorating the walls of your apartment. At the end of the repair, a fresh and cozy apartment will be obtained, which will delight for a long time.

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