How to decorate the kitchen

How to decorate the kitchen

Each hostess seeks to envelop a family nest with warmth and comfort. And the kitchen is the place of family breakfasts, dinners and dinners - requires special attention. Not always spatial plans inspired by telecasts about interior design, can be accommodated in the modest sizes of ordinary kitchen premises, and the financial side of the re-equipment of the room may be unpleasant to surprise. How to decorate the kitchen without much costs and with a claim for individuality?

Walls. Wallpaper for the room where the cooking process is going on, where many people are going to at the same table, and there are also small children, they must be selected by the main parameter - the possibilities to wash them. Super washable wallpaper can be sought immediately with any pattern, but you can just take white, under painting. Design solutions for walls:

  • One of the stylistic solutions for the kitchen arches can be bright, with a fruit-floral ornament or any other pattern of the wall of the dining area and suitable in color, monophonic other walls of the room.
  • The walls can be decorated with decorative shelves, for which you can place small kitchen utensils: jars with spices, tea sets, cute statuettes associated with kitchen topics. Even an old wooden shelf, stripped by small emery paper and opened several times with a tree with a lacquer, will play with new paints.
  • The wall above the working surface can be updated with the paints of ceramics, if the wall you are tiled. Or decorated with a piece of beautiful wallpaper or material. From splashes and dirt, the composition can be protected by plexiglass of the same size.

Window. A common window function is an additional shelf for collecting all sorts of jackets. From a bad habit, use the window is not on the destination you need to get rid. After all, the window is a source of natural light and air. Let's try to figure out:

  • The kitchen window can be decorated with curtains. If the room is on the sunny side, the choice is better to stop on cold shades, if the Sun falls into the kitchen little - give preference to warm, bright colors, indelting the room.
  • Decor on the curtains. Even old kitchen curtains can be revived with decorations: large beads, butterfly attachments, wicker garters for curtains.
  • For the decoration of the window sill, flowers will be suitable in beautiful vases that you can easily make it yourself, using branded materials: Circular, apricot bones and cherries, twine, paint, glue.

Furniture. Buying a new kitchen headset is the simplest solution to the problem of reorganization of the kitchen, but also the most expensive. If the furniture is defold, and the funds for its purchase are limited, you can enjoy only new facades for the kitchen wall. If the furniture is in order, but I want to update, you can try the decoration of facades. Perfect stylistic stickers. Do not forget to degrease the surface before sticking.

Decorative little things. Sometimes old things can start a new life as an interior decoration, while not losing its practical function. For example, an old samovar, adjusted to shine, or unusual clock with a dial of coffee beans. A bright accent can be a multi-colored dishes, echoing with a shade of walls or furniture.

The kitchen is the epicenter of family life. Daily fuss and cooking should not be burdened with decorative solutions. Therefore, decorating the kitchen, do not forget about temperatics. After all, the main thing is not the amount of decor, but its quality: in such a small space, as a kitchen, there should be no mass of accents. It is enough to withstand the color gamut of several jewelry and the kitchen will look like a new way.

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