Which Wallpaper is suitable for the kitchen

Which Wallpaper is suitable for the kitchen

Most of the owners choose wallpapers, guided solely coloring and drawing. But this is considered advisable only when buying a bedroom cloth cloth or living room. But for the kitchen, it is so categorically impossible to do, and you need to proceed from the position of their practicality and functionality. They should be characterized by resistance to temperature differences, exposure to fat, soot and high humidity. In addition, they must be moisture-resistant and withstand repeated cleaning with detergents. Our tips will help you choose exactly the option that is best.


This type of wallpaper has recently been the leader among other materials designed to finish kitchen walls. So that neither happens, the panels will not break, folds and wrinkles are not formed on the coating, and, of course, they are perfect.

The liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is called powder, which consists of cellulose, mineral crumbs, coloring pigments, cotton fibers and adhesive binder. Before use, this mixture is divorced by water and applied directly to the walls. The big advantage of the material is to mask any drawbacks and irregularities present on the walls, as well as the formation of seams, inconspicuous eye. In case of damage to the coating, regardless of the place, it is possible to repair it, which does not cause much difficulty. To increase the service life, it is necessary to cover the liquid wallpaper with a special acrylic mixture.

Vinyl wallpapers

Vinyl wallpaper is a coating consisting of several layers. The lower is usually made of thick paper or tissue, and the top is a PVC film that gives the wallpaper. Vinyl is characterized by high density, they are resistant to the Sun, and if more accurate - do not fade, the service life is large, withstand mechanical damage, well wash the brush and cloth. All irregularities and roughness of the walls are well masked under such wallpaper. Some varieties of vinyl wallpapers have antiseptic properties and do not allow the development of fungi and mold.
The main parameter of the vinyl wallpaper to pay attention to when buying is the density: squeeze the roll with your hands, and if the material is strongly touched, these wallpapers are not suitable for pasting walls in the kitchen. It is better not to choose the canvas with large volumetric patterns, and the images must be smooth, because the dirt will be clogged, which is difficult to quiet.


Eliminate such varieties of vinyl wallpaper:

  • Paper with a small vinyl layer. Such canvas are quite thin and smooth, and usually pictures are depicted on the kitchen topics. One of the largest shortcomings is that the walls must be perfectly even, otherwise all the protrusions, dents and cracks will be visible.
  • Wallpaper from foamed vinyl. The cloth seems to be considered kitchens, but this is not the best option for the kitchen. Such thin wallpaper have low strength and quickly wear out, and the drawings on them are usually not everyone to taste.
  • CD-Vinyl. The best solution is the compact vinyl. Wallpapers are made using hot-embossing technology. They can mimic stone, skin, plaster or textiles. CD-Vinyl can be washed, brushing and even scratching. The material is ideal in everything is presented in a large color scheme, has the original texture, the wall defects are not visible. Of course, such pleasure is not cheap, but good quality wallpaper has an appropriate price.
  • Silkography. This material is a multilayer compact vinyl, consisting of paper with vinyl outside, as well as threads. The threads are silk or artificial. The main differences from vinyl are smoothness and gloss of the surface. Such canvas are dense, light-resistant and not afraid of moisture, sunlight and various damage.
  • Vinyl wallpaper under painting. This material can be repainted to 7 times, it is very convenient for those owners who love to change the interior.

Fliselinova wallpaper

They usually consist of 70% of cellulose. Good in all respects: durable, gently fit the cracks and dents on the walls, do not sit and do not impenet, and also durable, that is, it is great for the kitchen.

Acrylic wallpaper

Consist of two layers, which are based on dense paper and a small layer of acrylic, which is environmentally friendly and does not interfere with the air exchange in the kitchen. Such wallpapers cannot be washed with rigid rags with detergents due to a gentle embossed pattern.

Glass equipment

The material possessed many advantages. Such wallpaper not accumulate electricity fromper presence glasses, not are enterprise for different microorganisms, they ecologically squate, not highlight toxic substances, allergies from them not it happens. Differ from others wallpaper big parry permeability, v fireman attitude safe, them not scary acid and alkali. At usage glass equipment seam invisible, at desire their can repaint many once, at it is quality wallpaper and pictures not loses.

Absolutely unsuitable for use in the kitchen are considered paper wallpaper, even such that have a high price. They can do it dearly because of their impracticality. Today, natural wallpapers are becoming increasingly popular, but the disadvantage is that they absorb all smells in the kitchen arising when cooking, therefore it is not the best option.

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