How to equip a dressing room

How to equip a dressing room

Despite the number of square meters, the dressing room has a place to be in any apartment. It is able to significantly facilitate the life of the owners: to free up valuable space, to hide rarely used things, organize competent storage of different things, free the living room from bulky massive cabinets. In addition, you can equip a dressing room yourself in an apartment of any size. After all, you can literally arrange it anywhere: in a separate room, in the pantry, under the stairs, in the attic, along the wall.

If the room allows you to allocate a separate zone under the dressing room, then it is better to give preference to a room with a size of at least 4 sq.m. Most often this is a section of 3x1.7m. Such a dressing room will easily accommodate the clothes of all family members. Moreover, it will be comfortable in it, change clothes, put yourself in order, arrange fitting.

Decide on the common idea of \u200b\u200bthe dressing room. It can be a classic using wood, veneer, MDF or chipboard panels. An equally interesting option is the Hai-Tech style. In such a room, glass panels, metal rails and large mirrors should prevail in such a room. In any case, the decision should be dictated by the general interior of the entire apartment.

Today you can choose one of the three popular methods of equipment of the wardrobe room. The first is corps modules. It implies the location at the walls of vertical panels, to which other necessary elements are attached. The second option is metal racks. In such a gap between the floor and the ceiling, racks made of metal are mounted on which shelves, hangers, rods with the help of holders are installed. The third is wall panels. This is the rarest option in which the panels are attached precisely to the wall, and the rest of the details are attached to them.

Whatever the arrangement system you prefer (M-shaped, P-shaped or parallel), all modules should be tightly fixed to the wall and among themselves. On the rear panels you can decently save, but wall decoration should be safe enough so as not to get dirty clothes. An important point is to arrange a dressing room in such a way that every centimeter is actively involved. It is better to refuse heavy cabinet furniture, but the dressing room, Buzeri or compact dressing modules is the best option.

It is most convenient to put cabinets in the lower part of the room, in the upper - shelves. On the upper tier, place things that you rarely use. But to create an ideal wardrobe, it is better to take into account a few nuances: the size of the area, clothing items, convenient placement, space savings. So, it is better to install more shelves with the maximum amount of sportswear. For ladies with a wide list of evening outfits, hangers are more suitable. The main thing is not to forget about the places for linen, hats and shoes. For these purposes, install specific devices: a fraight tower, a girdle, hat boxes ...

If under the dressing room you allocated not a room, but part of it, it is better to think in advance about the search for a suitable fence. The choice should be deliberate so that the door is simultaneously practical and stylish. Otherwise, there is a risk of harm to the general interior. Alternatively, you can choose glass plastic or wooden doors, swing or huts. As a partition, a plasterboard wall or a complete design, as in a wardrobe-wardrobe, is perfect.

A significant role is played by lighting. It is this final bar in the design of the dressing room that allows you to adequately evaluate your appearance before leaving the house. It is better to choose ceiling lamps with directed light, ideally - spot LEDs. And still refuse halogen lamps.

Not everyone can allocate half the time for the creation of a personal wardrobe corner. There are no need to despair the owners of a more modest living space. The dressing room can be arranged in the pantry, along the wall in the hallway, even on the ground floor of a bunk bed. As an option, one corner of the room can be separated by the partition and arrange a triangular or r-shaped dressing room on the resulting territory.

In fact, there are many arrangement options. All of them depend on ingenuity, fantasy, skills, skill, desire, size of the living space and the thickness of the wallet.

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