How to beat the beam on the ceiling

How to beat the beam on the ceiling

Those times have long passed when the beam on the ceiling was considered a rural dwelling and performed only the support functions for overlapping and roofing. Recently, decorative decks find more and more fans, including among residents of megacities. They are appropriate and organically look in various, sometimes even unthinkable, design styles. But provided if they beat them correctly.

Initially, the ceiling beams did not play a decorative role in the interior of the house. They were installed solely as a support for heavy attic overlap. If you got to the disposal such a house, then it is not necessary to hide these designs. After all, some style solutions require a similar decor, and many compatriots in the absence of those even ordered the creation of non-hidden false beams from polyurethane. In addition, ceiling beams are successfully used to zoning space, for example, to separate the working and dining areas in the kitchen, and the visual expansion of the rooms. Thus, putting a little fantasy and begging old beams who came to an unsightly state, you get a truly exclusive interior. As a decorative element, such products can be installed in the kitchen and in the bedroom, living room or office, as well as in the corridor, based on the size of the room.

Methods of finishing ceiling beams if their wood lost its attractive look:

  • First option: You can decorate it with the help of a polyurethane false beam, because this material is successfully imitating the texture of the tree.
  • In addition, you can decorate the design with ropes, as in restaurants of seaside cities.
  • To hide flaws of the surface of the beam, you can turn to the old kind of trim way - painting.
  • If the disadvantages are essential, all irregularities should be pre-embedded using putty and primer. Then they are applied to paint, while you can prefer not only to traditional pastel colors, but also choose bold bright colors contracting with a total dwelling gum.
  • If you make a room in the style of high-tech, you can choose the paint of the metal shade, adding such a "Ilyich Light Bulbs" and unfounded wires. But the French rural style assumes the presence of the elevated ceiling beams.
  • For the style of Country, the coloring composition should be with the effect of "aged tree".
  • If desired, it is not just to cover the product of paint, but to apply the painted elements on it using the artist's services. Alternative budget option - use for painting ready-made stencils.

Installation of the lighting system:

  1. The popular idea of \u200b\u200bthe ceiling beam decor is mounted light sources, regardless of the material, from which they are manufactured.
  2. On a natural deck, lamps stylized under ancient, for example, in the shape of a wheel, are best viewed, and the light sources would well be set as candles.
  3. If the beam is sophisticated, then the lighting devices must be delicate.
  4. You can also use point lights that are crashed into a frame or are taken out using brackets attached to the beam.
  5. Another option associated with lighting systems is to install on the beam of the LED tape. As a rule, it is fixed around the perimeter of the room.
  6. But if the room has an oblong view, it is possible to install one tape on the central beam. It looks original with the backlight, attached on top of the stretch ceiling.

And now let's talk about how to beat the ceiling beam:

  • If there are ceiling beams in the kitchen, you can do this. Lower the beam below the ceiling level by fixing subsequently in real-state state. At the design, attach the hooks that are hung as a decor of various dishes - from glasses to frying pan, bunches of fragrant herbs, baskets and dried flowers, porridge with indoor plants. In addition, this option is best suited for incarnation in rooms with excessively high ceilings.
  • If the beams are real and are in a good state, you can fix the suspension chair or swing on them. But remember that it is impossible to install such structures on imitation, even qualitatively performed.
  • An interesting technique with which it turns out to beat the ceiling beam, is to create a reflection effect. Photo wallpapers or mirror tiles should be glued to the bottom side of the design. A similar solution can affect the visual expansion, the room seems more than its sizes.

But sometimes the owners of houses with beams accept for various reasons the decision to finally disguise the ceiling beams so that they are not markedly armed with:

  1. Stretch ceiling. In this case, the plane is lowered below the level of beams. However, the premises loses height. And it is advisable to equip a tensioning design consisting of several levels.
  2. Plasterboard ceiling. To disguise a deck, you should set the frame in the form of the letter "P" around it. At the same time, the design should be attached to the ceiling surface, and not to the beam.
  3. Cone ceiling. This option is the most exquisite among other offered and most expensive. In addition to the beams, such a design involves the creation of other elements: eaves, borders, cells, recesses. Cassette shape choose any - rhombus, square, polygon.
  4. Lining. The easiest option to hide the ceiling beam is to sew the surface with the clapboard. The edged board is also suitable.

The ceiling beams are an excellent opportunity to bring the highlight to the interior, the feeling of style and in some way to enrich the dwelling. There are many ways to restore them, decorate, beat so that the inner space looks interstentively. The most extreme option is to completely disguise the deck.

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