How to choose air conditioning for an apartment

How to choose air conditioning for an apartment

In hot summer days, the only rescue from the suffocating heat is air conditioning or split system. This product is presented in stores in a wide range, which air conditioner to give preference, we will understand this instruction.

To determine the type of air conditioner, it is important to clearly understand what functions we impose. If there are many rooms in our apartment, you do not bother the noise of the working compressor and the massiveness of the floor conditioner, this is what you need. The advantages of this acquisition are the mobility and lack of need for installation, it is enough to bring a flexible hose into the window.

If there is little space in the apartment and extra noise is undesirable, the optimal version will be a split system, divided into two blocks. An external (street) block contains a noisy compressor, the internal unit can be placed anywhere in the apartment, while it is installed under the ceiling, thereby such an air conditioner practically does not take space. Broadcasting blocks are connected by electrical cable and copper pipes, which circulates freon. In a set with split-systems, a remote control, with which you can specify the desired temperature, adjust the direction of the air flow and mode.

Calculate the power required by air conditioning to create comfortable conditions in the apartment. At the same time consider the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, its height. When the ceiling height is up to 3.5 m to cope with the cooling of the room with an area of \u200b\u200bup to 22 m², the split system must be a capacity of 2.0 kW on cold, up to 28 m² - 2.5 kW, to 38 m² - 3.5 kW. If the room leaves the south windows and warms it very much, you can choose air conditioning "with a stock of power.

Inverter split systems with low noise and smooth maintenance of temperature are gaining popularity. In this case, these air conditioners save electricity. The air purification system should also be given. Priority to choose a model with additional filters.

Models are divided into classes in many signs - from design to high-tech characteristics. This depends on the service life and, accordingly, the price. The air conditioners of the budget level (12-25 thousand rubles) include model companies Ballu, Gree, Midea, General Climat, Kentatsu. They are mainly produced in China, the manufacturer is responsible for the warranty 1 year. The middle class (20-50 thousand rubles) belongs to Mitsubishi Heavy, Panasonic, Hitachi, Fuji, Toshiba, Fujitsu. They produce them in Malaysia, China, Thailand. The warranty period is from 1 to 3 years. The brands of the elite class premium are expensive Daikin and General systems (are manufactured in Eurasia countries), Mitsubishi Electric (Assembly in Thailand). Warranty - more than 3 years.

Comfortable conditions in the apartment directly affect the health status of households, so do not save on a system that provides a favorable climate in the house.

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