What do the lips dry

What do the lips dry

Lips are considered one of the most beautiful parts of the female body. But the lips can hardly be called beautiful when they start to dry. In this article, we will deal with what the cause of dry lips.

Dry lips due to influence on the body of external factors

Hot season

In the summer, the body loses a large amount of moisture, which often affects the appearance of the lips: they begin to dry. Additionally, it is dehydrated due to excessive consumption of tea or coffee. Fortunately, it is easy to fix - it is enough to start drinking more water (up to 1.5-2 liters) and enjoy hygienic lipstick from solar exposure.


The cause of dry lips can be the effects of allergen on the body. Often, allergies appear when eating with unusual products, acute food, lots of sweets or citrus. Allergies may also occur on decorative cosmetics, more often on lipstick. Therefore, if the lips dry precisely because of allergies, first of all, exclude allergen from your life. If the state of your lips has not improved, take the Tablet "Supratin", the drug "Tueva", the syrup "phenyatil". Take these medicines under the control of the doctor.


With a long stay in a strong wind or frost, the lips begin to dry, and cracks are sometimes formed on them. This problem is easily solved: just start using hygienic lipstick.

Dust Reaction

View the room around yourself. Isn't it too dusty? In fact, dust can affect the skin, because of what the lips begin to dry. If your house really has a lot of dust, spend general cleaning.

Dry lips due to failure in the body

Also the cause of dry lips may be diseases and illness. Among them:

  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • avitaminosis, hypovitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • kidney disease;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid disease;
  • any inflammatory processes in the body.

Therefore, when drying the lips is better, it is better to appeal to the doctor: suddenly you do not give God, there is a serious illness.

Harmful habits - cause dry lips

Alcohol, Smoking, Drugs

Frequent drinking of alcohol, smoking, receiving psychotropic substances - all this causes dehydration of the body, and hence it leads, at best, to dry lips. To solve this problem, limit or even exclude tobacco, alcohol and drugs from your life (drugs must be eliminated!)

Habit lick and bite lips

Yes, yes, this habit carries harm to the lips! So the lips will slow down and cracks appear on them. To solve this problem, get rid of these habits, as well as use hygienic lipstick.

Pregnancy - the cause of lip dryness

Also, the state of your lips can change and because of the baby tooling, because In the first three months of pregnancy there is a strong hormonal restructuring of the whole organism. About dry lips at such a reason is not worth worrying: it will pass to the next trimester of pregnancy. To speed up the improvement in the state of the lips, use moisturizers for them (preferably from natural products).

So, we found out what the cause of dry lips is. The main thing, immediately take care of their treatment, because then you will not only correct your health, but also return to your lips to the past charm!

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