Vegetho vascular dystonia in adults - symptoms

Vegetho vascular dystonia in adults - symptoms

Vegeta dystonia (VDC) is not a disease that can be determined by the results of analyzes, but rather a set of certain symptoms. They do not lead to serious consequences, but significantly reduce the quality of life. The essence of this pathology is to reduce the functionality of the vessels located in the cervical spine. This provokes a circulatory disorder and the unbalance of all organism systems. But for what symptoms can I be able to suspect?

What is a vegetaryvous dystonia

The vegetative nervous system is a regulating mechanism that controls the mental and physical life activity of the body. This system supports blood pressure, cardiac rhythm, breathing, muscles, etc. When an imbalance appears at a level of this complex chain, a state appears, which is called vegetaryous dystonia.

On a note! In international nomenclature, this diagnosis is absent, and the complex of symptoms, referred to as ICC, is considered as a result of somatic or psychological disorders.

What provokes the development of vegetative dystonia

Formation of FMR often starts in youthful age. In the process of puberty under the influence of hormonal restructuring and psychological instability, there is a violation of the organism established.

The development of the ICC can take place in more mature age. For example, during the first pregnancy, early climax, as a result of injury, for a long-term cervical osteochondrosis.

In addition to the aforementioned reasons, the WDR may cause:

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • A sharp change of climatic conditions.
  • Diseases of the nervous system.
  • Pathology gasts.

Clinical manifestations of vegetative dystonia

The diagnosis of the BDC is established on the basis of the characteristic jar of the patient and its health status. To date, almost 150 symptoms have been established and more than 30 clinical manifestations of this pathology. All of them are associated with numerous complaints that directly depend on the work of hypothalamic structures:

  • Cardiovascular disorders: sharp drop / increase pressure, arrhythmia, heart interruptions, feeling heat on face, cold limbs.
  • Problems with the respiratory center: shortness of breath, frequent attacks of a psychological suffocation.
  • Violation of the work of the century: fainting, lack of sleep, anxiety, panic attacks, migraine, drowsiness during the daytime, reduction of working capacity, inner trembling, dizziness.
  • PCT dysfunction: nausea, constipation / diarrhea, heartburn, pain, absence of appetite.
  • Violation of the urinary system: the baseful itching of external genital organs, frequent urge to the toilet, chronic bladder inflammation.

The symptoms mentioned are superficial and can manifest themselves in different ways. But there is a "gold standard" that manifests itself several symptoms. And if they are all present, the diagnosis of the BDC is made with complete confidence.

So, what should be disturbed if you are more terretively dystonia:

  • Permanent problems with sleep: you fall asleep during the day, and you can't sleep at night.
  • The inability to work normally: you cannot concentrate, gather, quickly tired.
  • Apathy: Your psycho-emotional background is unstable, you cry, then you laugh, sometimes on the verge of depression.
  • Weather sensitivity: you are tormented by headaches before the rain, or pressure drops before cooling, you have a joint with a change of atmospheric pressure.
  • The intolerance to the heat or cold.
  • Shiny skin color, red dermographism (redness of the skin in response to mechanical impact).
  • Eveniness and hyperfunction of sweat glands: you will have legs, face, fingers; You strongly sweat even in the cool room.
  • Difficulties with breathing: you began to notice that you have "com in the throat", you lack air, the head is spinning.

Treatment of FMR comes down to eliminating the existing symptoms and normalization of lifestyle. You are writing right, engage in sports, do not worry on trifles, then IT will not be scary.

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