Uterine cancer, signs and symptoms

Uterine cancer, signs and symptoms

One of the frequently observed malignant formations is considered uterine cancer. However, lethal outcomes are noticeably less common, because You can diagnose it at an early stage.

Primary symptoms of uterine cancer

Most know what is "tumor" and "cancer", but not everyone can answer what is typical of typical carcinoma of the uterus. The following symptoms are peculiar to the uterus:

  • Bleeding. After the occurrence of menopause, a woman should not have bleeding, and if it is observed, then you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • The separating selection after sex or in the interval between the monthly are also the primary symptom of cancer cells.
  • Unnatural discharge from the vagina with Sukrovitz or without it. The discharges containing pus indicate the decomposition of the tissue of cancer cells.
  • Abundant and watery allocations.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse, women complain that it becomes less pleasant and accompanied by painful sensations.
  • The change in the menstrual cycle, they have become longer and accompanied by pain if it was not previously observed.

Late symptoms of uterine cancer

If, after the manifestation of the symptoms described above, a woman does not apply to a specialist, then in the following stages there are later, they are characterized by:

  • The occurrence of pain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt, crotch or hips.
  • The detection of the legs is not a common symptom, and it rarely pay attention to it.
  • In the later stages, women celebrate problems with urination. Hiking to the toilet can be difficult, because This is associated with the damage to the bladder. There are cases when urination is frequent, which indicates the inflammation of the kidneys, the appearance of blood in Urin and painful sensations during emptying are possible.
  • Popps are also symptoms in the later stages, because The tumor affects the rectum.

Signs of uterine cancer

In addition to the basic symptoms that are characteristic of tumor, and the general symptoms observed:

  • Depletion.
  • A feeling of weakness.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Asthenic conditions - chronic fatigue.

they are usually related to the fact that the body is poisoned decaying carcinoma.
and other symptoms may occur for a secondary tumor:

  • Cough.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Increased liver.

In order not to run to the last stages of the disease, when the first symptoms should see a doctor. However, they do not always occur in the early stages, so it is recommended every six months to be screened and to be tested.

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