As appendicitis manifests

As appendicitis manifests

Acute appendicitis is the inflammation of the attachment of the blind intestine (appendix), which in the prevailing amount of cases ends with surgery. This is a very common disease among all groups of the population, regardless of age and the overall state of health. Therefore, it is very important to know the first symptoms of this pathology in order to see the doctor in time and prevent complications.

Symptomatic picture of appendicitis

The mechanism for the development of typical appendicitis in adults is distinguished by cyclical and characteristic symptomatology, which corresponds to a certain stage of the disease:

  • 1st stage - Catarial - lasts 12 hours. A typical picture of appendicitis begins with easy malaise, which resembles the attack of gastritis. In the patient there is discomfort and a new stomach pain, a nausea and single cases of vomiting may be present. Over time, the pain moves to the lower right segment of the abdomen, the pain begins to wear an increasing character. Then the diarrhea appears, the problems with urination, the temperature rises. After 6-7 hours, signs of intoxication appear - weakness in muscles, dryness in the oral cavity, reinforced heartbeat.
  • The 2nd stage is phlegmonous - starts after 24 hours. At this stage, the pain is clearly localized in the right side in the projection of Appendix. The pain becomes intense, unbearable, pulsating. The patient has sharply increases the temperature to 38 ° C and higher, the heartbeat is amplified up to 90 ° C. / min., Intensive vomiting begins. When palpation marked a solid stomach, which indicates the spread of inflammation to the abdominal cavity.

Important! In this period, the patient, as a rule, falls into the hospital for a surgical table.

  • The 3rd stage - gangrenous - begins on the second day. This condition is very dangerous for the patient. At this stage, there is imaginary relief, the temperature drops, and the pain retreats. This is justified by partial die in the nerve endings in the tissues of Apandix. But when pressed on the stomach, the pain will increase sharply.
  • The 4th stage is perforated - starts at the end of the 3 days. By this time, the shell of appendix occurs. Pain syndrome becomes very strong without periods of relief. The temperature rises above 39⁰, vomiting becomes constant, the peritone is completely swolling, the peristalistic is weakening. Also marked a pathological brown flare in the language. Pump from Appendix spreads through all internal organs and peritonitis begins.

Symptoms of atypical forms of appendicitis

In 10-15% of cases atypical form develops. At the same time, the characteristic clinical picture is not manifested. Such types of appendicitis are mainly diagnosed:

  • Empirea is characterized by light pain syndrome in the iliac area on the right side. Signs of intoxication appear only on 4-5 days of illness.
  • Left-sided appendicitis - all characteristic symptoms are inherent in this state, but pain is localized in the ileum triangle on the left. The reason for this is the incorrect structure of the internal organs or the increased activity of the blind intestine.
  • Apandicitis of pregnant women - due to the displacement of the internal organs under the pressure of the growing uterus, there is a weak pain in the right hypochondrium, the temperature may not rise, there may also be no signs of intoxication. Most often, such a diagnosis is placed in the second half of pregnancy.

Sometimes under the symptoms of appendicitis, less complex diseases are hidden, but in any case, when the peeling syndrome appears during coughing or sharp movements, the increase in temperature and attacks of vomiting should be immediately accessible to the doctor.

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