How chlamydia is transmitted

How chlamydia is transmitted

Many people do not know all ways to transfer sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, various concerns arise that you can get infected in the river, pool, kiss, losing one towel or sowing on one seat. All these methods are unfair in relation to chlamydia. This disease can not be transferred by such paths, although it does not cancel the fact that you should always follow your health, even if your partner is faithful. In this article you will find a description of the symptoms of chlamydia and the methods of its transfer. Take them on the note and do not forget about the planned inspections of the gynecologist.

What is chlamydia

First of all, it is parasite. This bacterium falls into the human body and begins to parasitize there until it takes as large fabric territories. Outside the body, chlamydia lives only a few minutes, most often, less. That is why it is almost impossible to get infected in the pool.

Total disease has three stages of development:

  • Directly infected.
  • The appearance of symptoms.
  • Complications.

This insidious disease can cause serious problems of the urinary system, genital organs and even eye. If you do not pay attention to the symptoms in time, the consequences can become irreversible.

Symptoms of chlamydia

The first few weeks after infection proceed asymptically, in some cases a person can disturb a small itch. Further, signs of cystitis and urethritis are added to this symptom: each urination becomes painful, genitals can burn. Such symptoms are observed both in men and women. By mistake, some people belong to these signs to another disease and begin to be treated independently that the setting is prohibited.

Symptoms for women

  • A few weeks later, a new abdomen may appear at the bottom of the abdomen, as the uterus inflammation occurs. You may seem that here is about the menstruation, even if the cycle says another. Moaching bleeding are also one of the symptoms.
  • Not always, but there are cases when inflammation gets to the rectum. Then the woman feels pain in the backside, which can increase, then fade away.
  • Patient throat, impaired mucosa and signs of beginning angina - symptoms of chlamydia.

Symptoms in men

  • Since the urinary system of men and women is very different, the symptoms of both sexes are different. Men has turbidity of urine, along with soreness.
  • The increase in the size of the testicles indicates inflammation, later, may be added pain in this area.
  • Frequent and complex disease is prostatitis. It comes in a few weeks of inaction towards chlamydia. Gagged men hurts, sexual activity falls, going to the toilet is becoming more difficult.

Methods of transferring chlamydiosis

There are three ways of infection:

  • Oral.
  • Halfway
  • Anal.

That is, the partner is infected with any form of sexual contact. If one of the partners is sick, then the chance to infect the second without prevention methods is 60%. In fact, this figure is quite large, and it is impossible to enter into sex with infected person.

It is less likely to infect the mother to the child. During the childbirth, the child contacts the whole body with the mucous membrane, which leads to the infection of the baby in such an early age. To avoid this, you need to pass inspections throughout the pregnancy and do not forget about contraception if sex is allowed.

Remember that the use of a condom, or a vaginal condom does not prevent the possibility of infection by one hundred percent, as it is always likely to get a partner's lubrication to your genitals, cases of a condom breaking and other unforeseen circumstances.

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