How Golden Staphylococcus is transmitted

How Golden Staphylococcus is transmitted

What is a staphylococcus disease, many obstacles know, but they didn't really deepen in the subtleties of this unpleasant disease. We will help you learn more about staphylococcus how it is transmitted and how dangerous it can be.

How to protect yourself from diseases? The question is painless, because at present the whole 27 species (or strains) of this disease have been revealed, and 14 of them are constantly present on the mucous membrane and human skin. Almost all types are not as dangerous as 3 of them - they can seriously harm human health.

Read more about Goldist Staphylococcus

Hazardous types of insidious disease:

  • staphylococcus Golden - the most cunning and the most severe type of disease, it is difficult to treat. Bacteria is striking any organ, causes an inflammatory process, accompanied by an increase in temperature, causes purulent processes: furunculae, yachmea, etc., sepsis, pneumonia, is striking all vital organs. Does not die even with high-temperature heat treatment, treatment with clean ethyl alcohol (not diluted) and even some antibiotics;
  • epidermal - dwells the mucous membrane, if the immunity is high, it does not exhibit itself. If it falls into the blood from an infected person to the patient, it is possible to defeat the heart;
  • saprofite - causes inflammation in the kidneys and the bladder in women, is the cause of frequent cystitis. Localization area: Genital mucosa.

Staphilococcus is always present on the human body, this is a conditional pathogenic microflora, but there are some types of bacteria that falling into our body can cause a number of diseases. If the conditions for development are favorable, then bacteria cause inflammatory processes in weak points (digestive, heart, skin, etc.).

What is the danger? Microorganisms produce toxic substances, destroy human cells, causing the development of hazardous diseases. A brief list of these diseases: intoxication and even shock, purulent spindles on the skin, including sepsis, damage to the nervous system.

These bacteria are very steady and confront antibiotics well. Therefore, it is very difficult to cure staphylococcus yourself, a competent approach is needed.

How Golden Staphylococcus is transmitted

Paths of penetration into our organism:

  • through air and dust;
  • airborne droplet;
  • through the mucous membrane (including sex), as well as dirty hands, open wounds;
  • through blood.

The microorganism is very harvest, it is everywhere, can penetrate the human body through medical instruments, dressing material, catheter, through clothes, food, personal care products (toothbrushes, washcloths, towels, shoes, etc.).

This is the smallest and hardy bacterium, which is transmitted:

  • through tools, medical instrument, with hemodialysis and other medical manipulations. In the risk group, people with reduced immunity, after transferring viral diseases, operations, injuries, long-term treatment with antibiotics;
  • food, bought both in markets and supermarkets. It loves this bacterium dairy products, meat, eggs, fish, as well as baking, especially cakes with cream. Finding into the intestines with these products, staphylococcus can cause strong poisoning;
  • through scratches and open wounds from a patient with a healthy person. For example, when breastfeeding, if a woman has a microcrack on the nipples. Because of this, purulent mastitis can develop. And if the bacterium falls into the newborn body, it can lead to severe dysbacteriosis, which manifests itself as: severe abdominal pains, body rashes, purulent rashes and boils, if bacterium settled in the lungs - pneumonia, and got into blood - the development of sepsis;
  • cough, sneezing, close contact (breathing), through any items and clothing.


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