How an ectopic pregnancy is manifested

How an ectopic pregnancy is manifested

Ectopic pregnancy -  this is the threat for  health women. Important recognize ectopic development fruit eggs how can before, to to avoid serious consequences.

How an ectopic pregnancy manifests itself - danger
for health

After fertilization embryo formed in cavities uterus, in case ectopic pregnancy infusion life is happening in abdominal cavities, shakes uterus or in ovary. Development fruit eggs outside cavities uterus interrupted gap fabrics and internal bleeding.

How an ectopic pregnancy is manifested - symptoms

Initially symptoms ectopic pregnancy not differ from standard pregnancy. Amenorrhea, increase breasts, nausea and positive test give false representation about healthy the course pregnancy. Assume ectopic pregnancy before visits doctor can on her classic signs, this is pain at the bottom abdomen, irregular bleeding or smearing brown discharge.

Manifestation straightaway all symptoms not necessarily, sometimes woman worried only discharge. If a bleeding accompanied pain, probability ectopic pregnancy high.

How an ectopic pregnancy is manifested - features of pain

On one's own define ectopic pregnancy can on characteristic pain. Usually pain worries with one parties and in neglected stages it is felt how acute. Internal bleeding recognized on row signs, such how pallor skin pokov, far heartbeat, low blood pressure. Similar symptoms demand immediate appeals to medical help.

Studies that determine an ectopic pregnancy

Research performed in conditions hospitals, for confirmation or refutations diagnosis doctor watching per growth level HCG.

Concentration hormone HCG in norm grives each 48 hours. At ectopic pregnancy level hormone grows slowly, a on the ultrasound research fruit egg not determined.

Also for confirmation ectopic pregnancy apply laparoscopyin time procedures under anesthesia introduce minicamera through abdominal cavity, to unfortunately, laparoscopy not gives accurate data on the early dates.

Define ectopic pregnancy capable only doctor, pain and bleeding they say and about others problems. Urgently recommended visit gynecologist at the first signs pregnancy, to warn possible complications.

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