Heart failure - symptoms and treatment

Heart failure - symptoms and treatment

Heart failure is a disease in which the heart functions are impaired, as a result of blood flow in organs and tissues, it is not fully carried out. The cells do not receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, experiencing oxygen starvation. All heart diseases lead to chronic heart failure.

Symptoms of the disease

Different symptoms are manifested depending on the heart of the heart in which the work is impaired. If the blood stagnation occurred in the left ventricle and the small circle of blood circulation, then the patients have:

  • shortness of breath (sometimes in a calm position);
  • suffocation, cough at night;
  • weak condition, disorder consciousness, fatigue;
  • cyanosis, in which fingers on the arms and legs, lips turn blue;
  • inconvenience in the right hypochondrium;
  • evening edema;
  • liquid in the abdominal cavity;
  • dry wheezing and cloaking blood.

If the stagnation of blood in a large circle of blood circulation is observed in the right ventricle, then in this case the limbs swell and hurts in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium.

First aid for illness

With an acute form of the disease, first aid is needed, because the risk of myocardial infarction increases. This can only be done by an intensive care unit from an ambulance who has special equipment. During the wait for the team of health workers, it is necessary:

  • set a person, proportioning with pillows;
  • give nitroglycerin;
  • open windows.

In case of loss of consciousness, an indirect heart massage will be carried out.

Food and daily routine

  • The patient should eat fractionally, in small portions.
  • The use of meat products should be limited, this is also applies to salt.
  • Completely exclude chocolate, smoked foods and alcohol.
  • To restore strength, you need to eat foods that contain a lot of potassium - these are buckwheat, oatmeal, bananas, dried apricots.
  • With the disease, protein and vitamin diet are recommended.

Depending on the form of the disease, you need to choose a certain regime of the day. If this is an acute stage, then absolute peace is needed, if chronic - lead a moderate lifestyle with a specially designed system.

An appeal to a doctor

If one of the above symptoms occur, you need to contact a cardiologist. The doctor prescribes to patients:

  • blood analysis
  • Ultrasound of the heart
  • x -ray of the chest area
  • tomography
  • ECG
  • examination of kidneys and liver using ultrasound

Thanks to timely diagnosis, the result of therapy can be improved.


To improve the condition of patients, you need to take such drugs:

  • Glycosides. Have cardiotonic action. When taking it digoxin, strofantin Tachycardia is eliminated.
  • Vasodilators and inhibitors. Quinapril, Transdolapril contribute to the restoration of blood vessels and the expansion of arteries. Izoket favorably affects on tone vessels.
  • Diuretics. Using furosemide, you can remove swelling and reduce the load on the heart.
  • Ba-shutters. Reduces the frequency of heart contractions, promotes filling blood hearts ( carvedipol, florescence).
  • Anticoagulants (Acetylsalicylic k-te). Exclude thrombosis.
  • Reducing Cholesterol and do not allow plaques to form.
  • Antitrombotic funds - Cardiomagnil, Kurantil.

Hospitalization will be required with acute levozheleudochkova insufficiency with emergency therapy. At the same time, diuretics, nitroglycerin, means to increase cardiac output, oxygen inhalations are prescribed.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment needs patients who have a high threat to life. Treatment with drugs is very important, but often it becomes ineffective at the terminal stage. Such patients survive during a year Only 50% of cases. The way out of the situation will be a heart transplant. This operation is available to units, so there are developments of additional circulatory systems that fully or partially facilitate the operation of the altered organ.

With heart failure, some recommendations must be followed. Among which maintaining normal weight, and for this you need to adhere to a diet. One of the main conditions is to control the intake of salt in the body, which delays fluid. In addition, it is important to constantly perform the exercises that the doctor was specifically for the patient in order to avoid the load. It is very important to quit smoking and drink alcohol in moderate quantities.

Comments leave a comment
Jeanne 06/15/2022 at 22:03

With drugs prescribed by doctors, I recommend combining the intake of Evalarovsky magnesium + potassium cardio in hissing tablets. EIO is an indispensable supplement for the health of the heart, since with the age of these minerals it begins to lack. And they are super as they affect whether the heart will be healthy or not.


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