What is Cataract

What is Cataract

Ophthalmic diseases may touch many people over time, because the eyes wear out the same way as the other organs. According to official data, cataract is the most common illness in Russia from the number of eye disease. It is she who causes a worsening of vision, her cloudy. At the same time, the initial stages of the disease are easy to eliminate, the vision will return to the person again, and the world will play for the same paints. It is the low awareness of the population at the moment playing an evil joke with ophthalmologists, when to deal with the cataract is already late. In this article, you will learn more about what cataracts is and how to identify it.

Than dangerous Cataract

This disease, according to statistics, is the main reason for impairment of vision in the country. First you can write off everything on banal eye fatigue and overwork, then the symptoms do not pass for a long time, only aggravating the situation. If you stop the operation for a long time, then it is possible to complete blindness or partial loss of vision.

The main danger of this disease in its slow development and secrecy: the patient may not even suspect that his vision falls until the launched stage of the cataract occurs.

Symptoms of cataracts

The main symptom of this eye disease is a closet of lens. Ideally black crystal, as we used to see it, becomes whiten, as if covered with a veil.

The initial changes can not be noticed, just looking at yourself in the mirror, as they are insignificant. Only an ophthalmologist can see them with a detailed inspection. However, you can feel this symptom:

  • The entire image becomes muddy, as if you look at the world through a cellophane package.
  • You often want to smear the sortie from the eye, as if she prevented you to look at the world normally, but after a time you do not discover anything foreign on our eyes. You may also seem that you have strengthened tearse just due to clouding.
  • Color paints and contrast flexible.
  • At the later stages, it is difficult to notice the disease: a person ceases to see normally, and the closet of the lens is noticeably even when communicating.

How to treat Cataract

Unfortunately, this disease cannot be heal with pills or drops - only the operation is laid. The most common and modern operation is called the fakemulsification of cataracts. With her, the surgeon makes a small incision of the film of the eye, where the special device for crushing the lens penetrates. Your crystal is fully removed, and the implant is placed in his place.

The patient's implant itself chooses with the doctor. All difference in price and manufacturer. After the operation, there are married vision, colors and sharpness.

Such an operation lasts until half an hour, and the puncture heals in just a couple of days. The patient can go home immediately, but in some clinics there are still a day after him.

Because of what cataract occurs

This disease is observed too often, but still has no accurate explanation. The most important assumption is a natural eye aging. With age, the eyes are very tired and do not cope with their load, and the transportation of useful substances is too weak.

Cataract during endocrine disorders in the body, as well as in diabetes.

To avoid this ailment, for the prevention of health, doctors recommend:

  • Refuse smoking, alcohol and bad habits.
  • It is more likely to be in the fresh air.
  • It is more likely to be examined if you received eye injury or transferred ophthalmic diseases.
  • Ask the sanatorium resorts, if there is a bad ecology in your city.

A healthy lifestyle is several times improves the quality of life of your eyes.

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