What is Otitis

What is Otitis

One of the most common diseases of children and the elderly - Otitis, not familiar with everyone. Meanwhile, acute pain in the ear must make you make think about the campaign to the otolaryngologist. If you do not find a disease in time and do not start timely treatment, it will go into a more severe form, which it will be difficult to cure in conventional methods. Take care of your health and well-being of your loved ones, learning more about the most common diseases. In this article, you know more about such a topical illness as otitis, read about its forms and possible treatment options.

What happens otit

Otitis is always an inflammatory process that passes inside the ear. According to the degree of distribution otitis is divided into three types:

  • Outdoor otitis.
  • Medium otitis.
  • Inflammation of the inner ear or, in other words, labyrinthitis.

Each of its types has different symptoms. At the same time, the most popular is the average otitis, they are sick about eighty percent of children under the age of thirteen. Sometimes it proceeds almost asymptomatic, so many parents are not suspected that their child has such a serious illness.

Upon timely treatment, Oditis does not affect the quality of hearing and other organs, but in the struck formas it is possible to an outflow of pus to the jaw, which leads to deposits. Also possible violations of the vestibular apparatus, hearing loss, brain abscess.

How Otitis is manifested

Despite the fact that otitis is easy to confuse with a cold and ORZ, there are still ways to determine this disease.

  • Everything begins with a light-nesting pain in the ear, which can switch to acute cutting pain, or remain no longer and barely noticeable. It is easy to confuse such a symptom with the consequences of an angina, since pain from the throat often gives to the ear, however, when they otite the throat is not observed. In the evening, the patient climbs the body temperature, bone lomit.
  • An increase in temperature is also easy to confuse with a conventional cold, you need to be attentive. If you do not start the treatment of the new ear and do not carry out the procedures on time, then the otitis goes into a more severe form and appears pus. Pump accumulates behind the drummeal, because of what the pains become sharp and shooting. In some cases, the membrane is broken by itself, and the pus comes out, however, sometimes pains become unbearable, and the membrane does not burst.

If not to treat otitis competently, it will go into a chronic shape, appearing more and more often, subsequently, meningitis can develop.

How to treat Otit

At the first signs of otitis, do not rush to drip drops into the ears, as it is possible to do this only by appointing a doctor. Just dig a nose with vasoconducting drugs and hurry to consult a doctor.

Otitis can be sick after such processes:

  • Acute runny nose and launched ac.
  • Early shell injuries. Often, the outer otitis is called "the ear of the swimmer", because it is the swimmers that overcoat and injure the ear shell.
  • Supercooling.
  • Heavy diseases on kind of influenza or measles.
  • Previously unnoticed otitis, which appeared again.

To avoid this disease, it is enough to keep track of your body, not to translate and not injure your ear. If you have noticed at least some symptoms, you should not be lazy and you need to turn immediately to ENT. Remember that the consequence of Otitis is meningitis, a terrible disease that is irreversible changes in the human body and its behavior.

Always have warming and vesseloring drugs at hand to give yourself the first help before reaching the doctor.

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