Some people who have reached the forty years have noticed that new health problems appear. It is not surprising that so early. Wine are stress, overwork, unstable position, increased susceptibility, noisy production. As a result: the pathology of the cardiovascular system, nervous diseases and others. And these diseases can cause an unpleasant knock in the ears. Let's find out more details from specialists about this ailment.
Pulsation in the ears is a phenomenon whose symptoms cause several diseases at once. Despite the harmlessness of the disease, the patient tolerate it sometimes becomes unbearable. After all, because of the knock in the ear there is insomnia, hearing is reduced. As a result, nervous disorders, irritability. To cope with the noise in the ears, first of all it will be necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence. The following is the following:- Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
- Inflammatory diseases.
- Neurosis, exhaustion.
- Sound injuries. They occur due to strong acoustic pressure. To get rid of the knock, spend some time in full silence.
- Medical preparations can also cause pulsation in the ear. Among them is streptomycin, furosemide, aspirin in elevated doses, cisplatin, gentamicin.
- It is not uncommon - a knock in the ears when flying, dives under the water, lins in the mountains.
Provocate disorder:
- Otitis (fitting in the middle ear);
- Inflammation of the membrane;
- Sulfur tube in the ear.
- Medicines to improve blood flow in the brain.
- Special nutrition so that the condition of blood circulation is normalized, exercise, anti-diamemine drugs.
- The nervous system is treated, the necessary capsules are prescribed to each individual.
- Physiotherapy.
Treatment can delay not for one month. All patients have an individual organism. Therefore, patients react differently to certain pills. It will take patience until comprehensive treatment eliminates a poor. Experts advise to carry the pulsation in the ears as calmer as possible not to give even more problems, namely nervous disorders.
Do not be discouraged when this illness occurs. The search for advice on the forums at the injecting persons is not crowned with a positive result. Do not treat yourself, go to the doctor. Only a specialist will be able to assist you.