What is pneumonia

What is pneumonia

Modern medicine has achieved great success in different directions. But some diseases still remain fatally dangerous, for example, pneumonia. It is among the top ten diseases in terms of mortality, so it must be treated when the first symptoms are manifested.

Inflammation of the lungs: What is it?

The disease is inflammation in pulmonary tissues. Most often pathogen - it Infections, which are transmitted by air-droplet, in rare cases through blood.

Microorganisms that cause the development of lung inflammation are in the human body constantly. If the immune system is not able to cope with infection, this leads to the development of the inflammatory process.

The cause of pneumonia can be the disease of the upper respiratory tract - tracheitis, acute bronchitis, which apply to the lungs. Also, the disease may occur after the suffered disease, which assumed surgical intervention, reduced the protective forces of the body.

Most often a disease can be infected through drip viral path. Through the saliva of a sick person, which contains bacteria and microorganisms, infection is transmitted into the lungs, causing an inflammatory process. Also, pneumonia may arise due to excessive activity of bacteria in the human nose and with a decrease in immunity forces. The body does not cope with the virus that quickly multiplies and falls into the lungs. This may happen as a result mixing or infections.


Pneumonia has various symptoms. But most often this disease is not accompanied by any symptoms, that is, no temperature and cough. This species is very dangerous, because the treatment begins not immediately, and it threatens complications. The most common symptoms:

  • Increase in temperature within 37 - 39.5 degrees, obvious sword and sputum, cough.
  • In some cases, there is bloody highlights in sputum.
  • With a deep breath, there is pain in the chest area, where there is an inflammatory hearth. For the pleural form of the disease, the feeling of pain is characteristic.
  • Often the disease can leak without cough, because the infection is located outside the respiratory tract.
  • A change in skin shade may be observed in the case of cyanosis.
  • A headache, there is a loss of consciousness, it is fevering.

If the disease struck the light small children, then obvious signs may not be. It is possible to determine the disease by excessive lethargy, a decrease in appetite, as well as fever.


Inspection of a doctor can identify suspected inflammation.

  • X-ray. To clarify the diagnosis, you can pass an additional survey - the lung x-rayoscopy. This is the most accurate tool to identify the illness. The pictures clearly visible the focus of inflammation, which developed one share of the lung or two.
  • Analysis sputum. It is possible to determine the disease with the help of sputum analysis, which turned out after the clean. This will help identify the nature of inflammation. If it contains bacteria and viruses, this indicates infection. The faster the sputum goes to a laboratory study, the wrong will be the result.
  • Analysis blood. It is also used to identify the disease. If the number of white blood bodies increased, the form of pneumonia is bacterial and viral character.


This pretty unpleasant procedure allowing diagnose and study bronchi. The thin tube is inserted into the nose or mouth, with which the doctor considers bronchi and takes the mucous fence. If there is a lot of fluid under the procedure, the lung puncture is taken, and the fluid is displayed using the needle. Sometimes surgical intervention may be required to remove fluid from the lungs.

Complications of pneumonia

This pulmonary disease leads to complications that are not related to the lungs - otitis, hepatitis, anemia, encephalitis, psychosis, meningitis. With the defeat of most of the lung and destruction of tissues as a result of the actions of the toxins, it is possible to develop problems with the heart, light and liver,  infectious-toxic shock.

In order not to get sick with inflammation of the lungs, you need to perform some activities that are aimed at strengthening human immunity. These are regular challenge procedures, taking vitamins, a refusal of smoking and alcohol, exclusion of allergen meetings.

Comments leave a comment
Kolya 08/11/2019 at 15:53

Thanks for the useful article ... I myself pneumonia sick. It sounds scary, of course, but on the fact everything is curable. I passed a course of treatment with inhalations with Orvis Broncho Ambroxol (I bought it, because as an Evalar is confident), well, and drinking antibiotics. It took, of course, time for recovery ... But the fact that nothing was delayed and did without complications, already a big plus!


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