How to treat cough with wet

How to treat cough with wet

Cough is a reflex response of the body to a specific bronchial disease or lungs. In this way, the upper respiratory tract is cleared of pathological secretions and foreign microparticles. The reason for the wet cough can be the usual ARVI or acute bronchitis and pneumonia. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to find out which methods are suitable for getting rid of cough with a wet.

Causes of cough with wet

Cough, accompanied by abundant discharge, can occur for various reasons. For example, during bronchitis or asthma, a strong separation of the mucus can disturb, during the edema of the lungs, there are additions of blood plasma, and in the abscess of the lungs, the purulent secret is excreted.

Most often, wet cough appears as a result of such pathologies:

  • Viral infections of respiratory tract.
  • Allergic conditions.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Rhinitis.
  • Inflammation of bronchi.

Wet wet when coughing

The mucus, the wet or bronchial secret is a pathological separated, which comes out as a result of coughing jolts. Normally, the inner ball of the bronchi is covered with a minor amount of mucus that prevents the penetration of the saw and bacteria into the lungs. From how it looks like, the tactics of treatment depends:

  • Green sputum - abundant purulent exudate with sharp inflammatory processes. Antibiotics and expectorant tablets are applied to treatment.
  • Yellow sputum - accompanies ORVI. Requires antiviral and immunostimulating agents.
  • White sputum - the result of the attachment of fungal infection. It happens with poor immunity, tuberculosis, long-term use of antibiotics. Showing antifungal agents, vitamins.
  • Brown wet testifies to the appearance of blood in mucus and the beginning of the abscess of lungs, cancer or tuberculosis. Treatment is selected according to the results of the survey.

How to treat cough with a spree in adults

Treatment of wet cough is aimed at thinning mucus so that the bronchi is cleared and the bacteria did not have time to multiply. Therefore, it is necessary to abandon any preparations that overwhelm cough. Because without coughing, the wet will not be able to move.

Preparations are used to treat cough with wets:

  • Homeopathic tinctures and syrups - speech ivy, Prospan, Herbion "Plantain".
  • Expectorant means - Dr. MOM, ATSC, Lazolyvan, Bronchikum, Musolutin, Pertissin, Ambroxol.
  • Essential oils - for inhalations fits essential few needles and fir.
  • Antibiotics - Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Rovamycin, Bioparox.
  • Antiviral tools (for ORVI, Flu) - acyclovir, Ramantadin, Viola.

How to treat cough with wets in children

For the treatment of children under 10 years of age, completely different medicines are recommended with a less toxic influence on immunity:

  • The root of licorice is a sweet syrup on a vegetable basis. Allowed from 1 year.
  • Alopecia syrup is a homeopathic preparation with vitamins and pectin substances.
  • Perptissine - the tool stimulates the debit of sputum and reduces the intensity of the cough reflex.
  • Syrup and ointment Doctor MOM - phytocomplex for rubbing and reception inside on the basis of 11 herbs.
  • Ambroan is an expectorant syrup and tablets for children from 3 years.
  • The amount is an antibiotic for the treatment of cough with purulent separated.

Treatment of wet cough - folk recipes

For children and women, it is reasonable to resort to more gentle cough treatment methods:

  • The decoction of pine cones - 1 tbsp. l. Raw Pour 200 ml of hot milk and insist 13-15 hours. Take throughout the day before stabilizing the state.
  • Inhalation - using nebulizer or ordinary steam bath can use eucalyptus or fir oil, soda solution with milk (1:10), herbal decoction.
  • Herbal teas - to take 1 tsp. Colo-stepmother, calendula, alteks on a glass of boiling water, brew and take 3-7 days.

Cough with sputum can be effectively treated at home, but only a doctor should assign any drugs, since self-medication in this situation can lead to a deterioration of health.

Comments leave a comment
Lisana 03/13/2018 at 16:58.

When the sputum has already started to move, you can simply do a massage or balls to inflate. You can drink something like Gedelix so that there is no complications. But these are these Ats and Lazolyvana, as I was convinced, only harm - sputum becomes more, she cares in bronchoz and only worse than herself.

To answer
Irina 14/05/2019 at 17:10

I also do not like medicines, from which sputum becomes even more. I remember after Fluimucil did not know what to do with them. And Gedeliks gently helps, I did not notice how he was cured.

To answer
Katrina 02/10/2019 at 19:35

Sometimes it is difficult to disassemble what kind of coughing in a child in the child, therefore it is better to give preference to the universal drug type Gedelix, they work well with all types of cough

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Anna 10/28/2019 at 22:43.


To answer
Alina 10/29/2019 at 14:10

Useful article. To me a cough to treat bronchobos in capsules, it dilutes the sputum, so it becomes easier to flip. In the complex with this, I still rinse the throat with a chamomile solution and a solution of soda and salt alternately every hour.

To answer
Robert 08/11/2019 at 15:52

On the contrary, many difficulties with its fatherland have. I am not an exception ... Previously, because of this, the cough was delayed for a long time. Now, if suddenly starts to cough, I immediately make an inhalation rate with Orvis Broncho Ambroxol (I order on shop. Evallar, by the way, is so more convenient) and teas with Malina Pugh. The sputum moves perfectly and the cough is not delayed ... So I am very advisable similar "therapy"))

To answer
Katrina 27/11/2019 at 22:04

We like Gedelix, natural composition, very well and quickly helps, there is no allergy, there is no sugar, a comfortable dispenser and a tasty syrup itself, you can give a breast baby unlike other types of code

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