What is tonsillitis

What is tonsillitis

With the arrival of autumn cold, the season of colds begins. Increasingly doctors are diagnosed tonsillitis. This problem is especially relevant in children. What is this pathology and what symptoms indicate its availability? Let's deal with.

What is tonsillitis?

The inflammatory process is called tonsillitis, which occurs in the upper respiratory tract, namely in almonds and adjacent tissues. The disease is subdivided into two categories:

  1. Acute tonsillitis in medicine is called angina.Its main pathogen is hemolytic streptococcus group A.
  2. Chronic tonsillitis It is characterized by a long flow with a change of remission stage, exacerbation periods. The main reason for the appearance of a chronic form of the disease is a complication after infectious disease.

Clinical picture of the disease

Acute tonsillitis (angina) It is expressed by the local manifestation in the form of inflammation of the lymphatic ring of the pharynx. Often angina, this is a consequence of exacerbation chronic form of tonsillitafor which characteristic:

  • lesions of soft lymphoid fabrics;
  • the appearance of purulent traffic jams on almonds.

In the process of progression of the disease, the affected fabric is replaced by connecting, which are significantly harder. This leads to the formation of scars and splicing inside the almonds. Next, the process of narrowing and closing lacuna occurs, and this causes closed (internal) purulent foci.

Symptoms characteristic of tonsillitis

Each forms of the disease has its own symptoms. So during the chronic flow of tonsillitis, the following symptoms are manifested:

  • present painful syndrome when swallowing;
  • may last the throat, the feeling of dryness appears;
  • unpleasant (purulent) smell of mouth;
  • general weakness leading to a decrease in performance and rapid fatigue;
  • a minor increase in temperature that occurs periodically;
  • decline in appetite;
  • an increase of almonds.

For the acute form of tonsillitis, such symptoms are characteristic:

  • high temperature, sometimes reaching the indicator in 40 s;
  • increase and redness almonds;
  • purulent plugs visible during the inspection of the throat;
  • an increase in lymph nodes accompanied by painful sensations;
  • the presence of headaches;
  • cough due to dryness and throat pain;
  • total weakness.

Therapy of tonsillitis. What is the danger of such pathology?

In childhood, stable work of healthy almonds contributes to the development of persistent immunity. Therefore, diseases such as tonsillitis and angina are extremely undesirable. But if no happens did not bypass, then appropriate treatment is necessary. Therapy has two forms:

  1. Conservative. This includes washing, drug intake, physiotherapy.
  2. Surgicalwhich implies the removal of almonds. But it should be noted that without them the body becomes more vulnerable.

With improper or late treatment of tonsillitis, complications may occur. The pathogens of infection that provoked the inflammatory process falls into blood or lymph, and are spread throughout the body. This may cause violations in the work of the heart, kidneys, joints.

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