What does healthy throat look like

What does healthy throat look like

Nowadays, absolutely healthy throat becomes a real rarity due to the fact that a part of the population is covered by chronic diseases. Already in small age, children are subject to pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other inflammatory processes. Once again, visiting the otolaryngologist, we learn more about how the throat should not look like. But how then should it look? This is not always informed about this, so many people think that with their throat everything is fine, since it looked so always, how many people remember himself. Meanwhile, it is better to see a good throat once than to hear how much it should not look like.

What does healthy throat look like - almonds

At the very end of your throat, looking in the mirror, you will notice small pink "pads": one right, the other is the left. This is almonds. Ideally, they must be barely discovering, pink, without falling out of any formations. Particularly observational people can notice lacuna on almonds - small holes in about the middle of the almond. On each side is located on one lacoon. Very frequent symptom are corks inside the tonsils, they look like white dots, exacerbating an unpleasant smell. This phenomenon flashes tonsillitis, which immediately needs to show the otolaryngologist.

In view of the physiological features, almonds can be absolutely flat or slightly convex, but the excessively large size of this organ is a deviation from the norm, such almonds should be shown a doctor, as well as blessed allocations on them.

What does a healthy throat wall look like

Almonds you can see one throat wall that has a little brighter and dark color. In case of illnesses and inflammations, this wall becomes red, swells, vessels are clearly expressed. Of course, any flare, white spots and mucus signals violations and bacteria. To better clean this area, it is recommended to correctly rinse the throat in the morning with special pharmacy solutions: to gain fluid in the measure and try to scrub the letter "A" loudly, throwing the head.

Again, if the appearance of the rear wall is blocking the almonds, then it is worth thinking if they are too big.

What a healthy throat looks like - tongue

It is the tongue, not a language. The little tongue is in suspended by almonds. It fluctuates from one centimeter to two, has a reddish color and is always moistened. If his dimensions have become such that they interfere with you to swallow, or the tongue hits the root of the language, when you open your mouth, then such a position of this body does not mean anything.

Also, blooming and discharge in the tongue are quite rare, but notify a person about serious diseases of the nasopharynx and lungs. Rinsing are also useful for tongue, killing bacteria on it and small raid after sleep.

What a healthy throat looks like - the root of the language

When the language reaches a certain place, its texture is completely changing: it becomes not rough, but relief, its surface is covered with a sludge of saliva. Consider the root of the tongue is independently very difficult, but you can find it with your finger: the surface will be very unpleasant to the touch, the whole root must be covered with tubercles, and the touch should not cause pain, except for a vomiting reflex. There should be no plaque and whims.

Knowing what a healthy throat and zev looks like will help you notice the deviations in your own bodies in time and begin timely treatment.

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