How to get rid of sore throat

How to get rid of sore throat

Spring warming is very deceptive. There will be enough to relax the body even the slightest overcooling or drafts to catch the cold accompanied by the sore throat. When there is no serious treatment with antibiotics, you can independently overcome the disease through uncomplicated events.

How to get rid of sore throat - why hurts the throat

Note, pain in the throat can cause not only viruses (causative agents of colds), but also other factors. Among the most common factors of non-infectious nature, the following can be distinguished:

  • Overvoltage of voice ligaments (coaches, teachers, lecturers and so on.).
  • Dry air (central heating in winter and air conditioning in the summer).
  • Inhalation of vapors containing irritant substances.

Nevertheless, Absolutely all the causes of the appearance of the throat pain cause inflammation of the mucous membrane with a superficial character.

How to get rid of throat pain - Serious diseases

The pain in the throat is the most common reason for the appeal of people in the pharmacy, where everyone wants to buy drugs that have a rapid symptomatic effect. Before buying medicines, you need to think, maybe this is a serious illness and you need to consult a doctor? Do not try to treat the throat yourself in the presence of such symptoms:

  • difficult breathing, you can not say a few words between inhales;
  • the inability to swallow saliva;
  • expressing or falling on almonds;
  • "Flaming" red throat;
  • soreness and increase lymph nodes;
  • high body temperature: more than 38 degrees;
  • skin rash;
  • pain in the ears, abdomen, headache;
  • changing skin color.

How to get rid of throat pain - wechit the throat

Stir in a glass with warm water 1 teaspoon of salt. Take a little solution in your mouth, tighten your head and leading the letter Oh, carefully rinse the throat and spawn the contents in the sink. Rinse the throat is needed every hour.

How to get rid of sore throat - throat lozenges

The candies, which are sold in pharmacies, contains honey, lemon and analgesics. Lozenges Spec-T and Sucrets Maximum Strength very effective and safe. They contain a local anesthetic, freezing throat. This greatly eases the pain. Lozenges with anesthetic not recommended to use over 3 days. The fact that these medications can mask serious infections. An example of such infection may serve streptokovy strep throat, requiring emergency medical intervention.

How to get rid of sore throat - spray for the throat

spraysAs lollipops, to help you ease the pain and relieve irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat. Always read the instructions to drugs, so as not to make a mistake with the dosage. Is not superfluous to consult with your doctor or pharmacist. So you get full information on the efficacy and safety of use spray with other drugs.

How to get rid of sore throat - and steam humidifiers

Cold or warm steam of air freshener is able to almost completely soothe your throat. Do not get carried away, otherwise your room will be raw or cold. If you do not have a humidifier, then just breathe over the steam. Boil a few cups of water. It does not hurt to add ginger or chamomile. Let the water stand up a few minutes and cool down. Put his hand to a couple and make sure it is not too hot. Cover the head with a towel and lean over paruyuschey water. Breathe during 5 minutes through the mouth and through the nose.

How to get rid of sore throat - pumpkin puree

Enter in your diet pumpkin puree. There it is necessary not cold and not hot, but warm - not to harm his throat. Many do not know this, but in the pumpkin contains substances that contribute to the removal of inflammation of the mucous membranes. Sore throat will become less noticeable after the first portion of porridge, and can and does stop.

How to get rid of sore throat - lotions from chamomile

Brew tea from the chamomile and let it brew. Once the tea has cooled down a bit, soak it in a towel and apply it to his throat.

If within 3-4 days of self-treatment of a sore throat had not abated, and only increased (severe pain on swallowing, fever, swelling of the neck and face, increased lymph nodes), You must consult your doctor immediately.

Comments leave a comment
Valeria 03.16.2018 at 10:25

Thanks for your advice. I tried my throat to begin to treat immediately during the tribium, I do not run. I buy lizobact, pills for resorption, and we treat them, I quickly go fast, do not sick for a long time. By the way, warm drinking must be connected to treatment.

To answer
Irina 26/11/2018 at 22:28

I was well helped by anti-angine formula from my throat. I take a loyal, for me it is the most convenient option. I am glad that there is still anesthetic in the composition, as well as vitamin C, with which the process of recovery is still faster)

To answer
Nina 18/03/2020 at 17:04

I have been using no one year by the spray of anti-angine formula, the remedy at the local level is struggling with bacteria and removes swelling and inflammation. It facilitates the state well and fast enough.

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