How to overcome fear

How to overcome fear

We feel fear when our brain is trying to warn us of danger. For each feeling especially individually. Someone faints from fear at the sight of spiders, and someone not afraid to jump with a parachute. Some of the situations that disturb us - it is only an illusion of fear. We have set ourselves so have included "option" called "to be afraid of." Everything would be fine, but for some people a sense of fear brings eerie discomfort, it takes a lot of energy, depletes moral. , You have to work on yourself to figure out how to overcome the fear.

How to overcome fear - work with imagination

You know that feeling when you just see in the distance a dog and already starting to be afraid? In a head pop up scary images. You would think that this bulldog and wants to break you into pieces. Approaching closer, you see a small pooch who amiably wagging your tail. Expectations were not fulfilled and it is not the first time ?! So do not be simpler to when an object that causes you a sense of danger, turn your attention to something else (people, buildings, nature)? Try it at least once to turn off your "TV" in your head and think about beauty.

How to overcome fear - divide it into 6

Simple math. Divide your main fear in 6 small fears. Are you afraid of the dark? Analyze what it scares you and make a sample list:

  • in the darkness I badly guided;
  • live in the darkness cast;
  • in the darkness I could fall and cause injury to themselves;
  • in the dark, I feel lonely;
  • in the dark watching me;
  • in the dark, I can not find a way out.

Now it will be easier to deal with the fear of darkness. The decisive point in turn. Write side, how to solve a particular fear. Sometimes, in order to get rid of fear, we must deeply consider. Read books, communicate with specialists, ask your friends why they are not afraid in the dark?

How to overcome the fear - look at ourselves

Some people are comfortable afraid of something. It removes from them the responsibility for the actions, justifies the reluctance to change something, to move in a new direction. A man with a child's parents solve all problems. They contain it, direct, decide for him to get a job. In adulthood, the big "child" is afraid to take a step without the approval of their loved ones. He was afraid to make decisions and to change without parents behind. And now look at yourself from the outside. If you are willing to change and do not want to live life in the swamp, then start to deal with fears, filling cones on their own knees. Overcome fears with small steps. After the first win you will feel like a born-again.

How to overcome fear - samoubezhdenie

If you can convince yourself that bring there, try to convince himself.

  • How many times have you been able to see with their own eyes cast?
  • If you saw the cast once, who can confirm that it really was it?

Fall asleep to be quite a logical question. The logic of "kill" your fear, dissolving it into small pieces. You immediately wonder why I am afraid of things that have never seen in your life? The answer is simple - I myself came up with this fear. Afraid will continue to be meaningless.

How to overcome fear - changing environment

Often people fear grows out of the fact that their life is paused. We will not know the new, we do not communicate with new people, we visit new places. We absorb information from TV and magazines, where we were bullied apocalypse. Take a leave from work and waving your trip. Do not plan anything. Just buy a ticket on the last day and go towards adventure. On the way, communicate with travelers, "soak" their stories about life, observe the nature, swim in the sea under the moon and think about future plans. Fears recede by themselves. You understand how much time was wasted in vain.

To overcome fear is only possible when in the depths of pampered hope of liberation from it. You do not get rid of fear the most eminent specialist without your out of will and your actions. Start with small steps and you will definitely get to the goal, you feel yourself completely free from fear.

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