How to survive the death of loved ones?

How to survive the death of loved ones?

The death of a loved one is one of the most difficult tests in life, with whom it is impossible to accept. The loss of a native and beloved person is an incredibly deep spiritual shock and emotional shock. How to cope with the unbearable pain of loss and survive the death of a loved one?

How to survive grief: 4 stages

Each person in his own way is experiencing the pain of the loss of a loved one. The duration and depth of emotional experiences depends on the set of factors: gender, age, health, and emotional communication with the deceased. Psychologists allocate 4 stages of the psychological state of a person who lost loved ones:

  1. Shock and shock. These are the first feelings that anyone experiences after the news of the death of loved ones. As a rule, a person is not fully aware of the tragedy and does not want to believe in what happened. The shock state can manifest itself in two forms: stupor or excessive activity, cry, fussiness.
  2. Failure and complete denial of the tragedy. After experienced shock, which is a protective reaction of the body,  a person does not want to take what happened to him. He tries to forget, avoid talking about loss in order to forget about what happened. Sometimes a stage of rejection of grief is expressed in increased fumes and activity.
  3. Awareness of loss. After the dedication stage of the tragic loss of relatives, the inevitability of loss takes place. A person understands that his life will now not be the same, often remembers the deceased and those events of life that were connected with him. This is the hardest stage that can be accompanied by outbreaks of anger, insults, a sense of guilt, awareness of what such misfortunes could happen. A person often closes in himself, avoids communication, refuses to help, trying to survive the grief on his own, falling into a deep depression.
  4. Taking grief. The adoption and understanding of the loss of loved ones, as a rule, occurs a few months after the tragedy. Gradually, a person becomes easier in a psychological plan, he gradually "get used to" to a new life. The pain of loss is dulled, but is not forgotten. Periods of sadness and longing arise in the memories of the deceased close person.

How to Survive Mountain: Psychologist Tips

  1. Help and support close people. The pain of loss is impossible to express in words. As a rule, a person who has failed to lose his relatives and a close man will closes in himself, refuses to support and help from friends and relatives. Do not push people who seek to help you cope with the pain of loss. Share your experiences, thoughts, memories, let the will with emotions and feelings. Communication with the outside world will help return to her old life.
  2. Caring for yourself. During the experience of the experiences, many many forget about themselves, not paying attention to appearance, health. Easy physical activity, walks, compliance with the day mode helps to cope with the depressed state and depression.
  3. Farewell letter. Many psychologists advise you to throw out all the feelings and unspecified words to the deceased person on paper by writing him with a letter.

When professional assistance is required

In especially difficult cases, when a person is not able to independently cope with his serious psychological state, professional assistance of a psychologist will be required. Classes with a psychologist They will help to survive a difficult period in life and avoid serious complications in the patient's psychological health.
Explicit signs that a person needs a specialist helping, are:

  • obsessive thoughts of suicide, death, about the meaninglessness of life;
  • depression, avoiding communication for a long period;
  • frequent emotional breakdowns, inadequate actions, malicious laughter or crying;
  • sleep impairment, weight loss.

The death of a native and beloved person is the wrong loss with which you can cope. As you know, time  heals, dull the pain of loss. It should be remembered that life continues and needs to make every effort to continue to live, leaving in the soul the brightest memories of an expensive person.

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