How to survive the death of her beloved husband

How to survive the death of her beloved husband

The theme of the loss of loved ones is absolutely new and very important! When a loved one dies the husband to the wife is always zastignuvshee sudden feeling of loneliness. After all, marriage was the union of two halves into one. And living together closely held together by the union. How to be a widow after the tragedy, restore normal life, re-teach your body and mind to function. It should be remembered, death of a relative is not the end, and so as not to exist, but to live, we must by all means try to keep emotions under cover grave.

How to survive the death of her beloved husband - suicidal thoughts

Thoughts about suicide sometimes visit immediately after the funeral, and unfortunately, that just not capable of desperate woman! If one feels such a period occurs, it is advised to talk to a friend or my mother, my grandmother. Warm shoulder will not drown in tears.

How to survive the death of her beloved husband - a level of humility

You must come to terms with the inevitable - the burial took place, the person is no longer alive. How would any wife reproached himself or suffering, whoever prayed that her husband did not return from the dead. Learn to live without him fully - that's the goal for the future. It is much more difficult to hold on to hope again to see a familiar face in the crowd.

How to survive the death of her beloved husband - not ashamed to cry

Tears after the loss of help is better than any anesthetic. Wave rolls? It is not necessary to resist! Although this sedative should be used in moderation, so that eventually turned out not long depression. After negative splash out from the depths of consciousness, it is advised to make a break for rest and moral rethinking of how to proceed.

How to survive the death of her beloved husband - useful things

Find a fascinating occupation - an effective option, gives switch to long-term themes. While in the black strip, quite at least temporarily put down on some creativity and every day will seem not so dreary and empty. For example, for women, the best types of hobbies - needlework, tailoring, quilling, scrolling, knitting, possibly cooking. Do not get involved in cooking baking. Although economic activity, namely, skillful table service, decoration of exotic dishes, and contribute to the list of urgent creativity, but in the decline of the Spirit, it is easy to score extra kilograms, if it wanted to get the grief delicious. And this has not yet increased self-esteem!

How to survive the death of a beloved husband: in a healthy body - a cheerful spirit!

Also, in a widow, I applied and putting the right life guidelines, it is recommended to do your physical form. In the gym specially for women work fitness clubs, where they are always glad to see newbies. Active sport accelerates any clouds well, leads the body in order. Life goes to your woman and it is important to understand!

How to survive the death of your beloved husband - Communication with people

Friend - Otrada at the moments of total sadness. Talks for souls throw a heavy stone with shoulders. In addition, good friends want to contemplate a smile instead of tears. Films melt ice, pizzeria and a cup of hot cocoa will help to find such a necessary, though short, happiness.

How to survive the death of a beloved husband - travel around the world

Long moments are a well-organized journey. The best friend or girlfriend will become companions, and the hotels or a tent - the second home to an indefinite period of time. For a small man, the world seems almost limitless, and this, in turn, sharpens emotions while traveling. He gradually forgotten pain. Most likely, the husband did not want his wife to suffer for a long time.

How to survive the death of your beloved husband - uncontrolled aggression

Often a bad mood and aggressiveness - satellites of problems. But no one has deserved a bad relationship around. Uncontrolled aggression lowers self-esteem and does not normalize recovery. Cutting madness - the pretext to turn to a professional psychologist.

What a woman feels after the death of her husband? Surely this pain does not compare to anything else. The main thing to remember reclusive urge toward existence yet no one helped to be happy, and in the death of her husband blame themselves do not need to. Grief dragged on for many months or even years, it is better to turn to a psychologist to help solve the problem after the loss. A desperate situation does not happen, but if you sit still and do nothing. With regard to the observers from the outside, you'll notice a friend who can not independently get out of prostration, it is desirable to assist the normalization of its status.

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