How to remove the tension

How to remove the tension

Irritability and fatigue follow you every day? It does not matter, this can and must be fought. Simple and not very tips on recovery from nervous tension: relax to good use.

Spend more time walking outdoors. Oxygen helps get rid of mental fatigue and contemplation of flora and fauna will blow your mind in a completely different side of the reflection on the agents of stress.

Catching thought processes, do not forget every two hours to perform basic exercises, it will also allow you time to escape from the mental activity. Knead the neck, slowly tilting your head in different directions; somknite brush to the castle and take his head, and now exert pressure on the back of the head, at the same time resisting the pressure of hands. Also good effect will give classes in any physical activity outside of work time: running, Nordic walking, dancing, swimming, visiting the gym, yoga, etc.

And since we are talking about free time, pay more attention to their hobbies. No one is saying that it should be put above the official duties, but pleasant hobby you things with absolute probability will result and will help you relax in a matter of time. Start weave beaded learn cross stitching, engage a molding of a polymeric clay. Vocals, playing musical instruments, wood carving, cooking - countless options.

Get enough sleep. It sounds like something from a kind of fantasy, but in reality it is not so difficult. To make it easier to start, make a daily routine, or at least a portion thereof, for example, the time after work, then you have time to do everything you need before it was time to go to bed. Normal human sleep duration - 8 hours. Adjust mode so that you managed to break the allotted amount of time, and you'll notice how much easier it was up in the morning.

Not accumulate negative emotions. Give them out in any way, but it is better to choose the one which will not have to take it out on others. Buy anti-stress toy and contact with it at any time when you feel the need to calm the nerves. Sign up for boxing lessons, so you can let off steam during unreal battle with special attributes. In the end, you can always yell into a pillow or tear paper. Ways to get rid of a lot of negativity, most importantly do not keep it all inside.

Do not think about unpleasant consequences of a given situation. Engage in self-suggestion, look for profit in all things that happen to you. The more positive points you select for yourself, the easier it will be to experience difficulties in their path. Get in the habit to tune in to a positive balance of the event, in spite of everything. Optimists are not born, they become.

As surprising as it may sound, but the power control also helps not to go out of balance. Fans have a snack later in the day experiencing heaviness in the morning. Allow yourself to goodies, but do not overdo it and do not overeat, because of the severity of the physical and mental depends, including.

Fatigue can be controlled. Do not engage in the work that makes you great difficulties. No need to build yourself altruist, move edge of the possible - it all goes to you only harm. Remember that the purpose is to justify the means, but your health in any way that is not necessary.

Smile and enjoy yourself, and then no tension you are not afraid.

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Lucy 11.11.2018 at 15:18

I think is very important is a comprehensive approach, because the tension has accumulated property. So I took the formula of peace tryptophan, trying to walk more, took a leave of absence, because health is more expensive ... In the end, ugh tfu, everything will work out ... now again become a balanced person)

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