How to deal with panic attacks

How to deal with panic attacks

Panic attacks - a very common kind of anxious and phobic neuroses. Attacks of panic attacks are familiar to 8% of people in the world. The main difference lies in the fact that this type of disorder is characterized not only psychological symptoms, but also physical vegetative symptoms.

As panic attacks occur?

People suffering from such attacks, general state of health in the rest of the time can be a normal psychological and physiological point of view. The term "panic attack" was first used in the 80s and replaced the existing prior to this name "emotional-vegetative crisis." The name has spread, as well reflects the state of the patient during an attack alarm.

Panic attack - suddenly there is a violation of the emotional and physical comfort, lasting an acute form no more than 10-15 minutes. After the attack usually comes relief, while there is a state of devastation and general weakness.

The most severe during an attack is the occurrence of acute symptoms of the various organs and systems of the body:

  • Signs of failure of the cardiovascular system - tachycardia with a sense of uneven heartbeat, throbbing and pain in the temples, increased blood pressure.
  • Spasms in the throat, esophagus, or upper middle part of the thorax.
  • Difficulty breathing activity - chest pain, shortness of breath, inability to take a deep breath.
  • State strong internal tremor, tremor of limbs, general weakness, dizziness, disorientation.
  • Hot flashes and increased sweating.
  • intestinal cramps, nausea, urge to vomiting, a feeling of fullness of the bladder.

If you notice these violations of health, should consult a doctor for advice and the necessary testing for possible physiological pathology. In this case, the patient will not harm the knowledge of how to deal with the anxiety state on its own.

How to treat panic attacks?

It should be understood that the vegetative crisis provoked a sharp release of adrenaline into the blood. Most often it is a normal reaction of the body to feel fear in the maximum manifestation. This state of each person experiences for certain reasons at least once in life.

The difference is in a situation in which people are afraid. If the feeling of fear is not related to a real threat, and panic attacks are repeated, regardless of the apparent nervous breakdown, this condition applies to the symptoms of neurotic disorders.

The main method is to aid patient therapy as panic attacks are a result of prolonged emotional stress caused by personal problems. Here it is essential to determine the cause of inner experience and help the patient cope with the situation.

For the regulation of brain processes psychotherapist may further appoint agents from the groups of antidepressants and anxiolytics. Medical treatment can not be used without medical supervision as the dosage and duration of receiving such funds are determined strictly individually with constant monitoring of the patient.

How to control panic attacks?

The most serious condition in the treatment of such neuroses - anticipation and fear of the onset of the next attack.

  • Calm. Each patient should be aware that no matter how heavy were manifestations of "the explosion of adrenaline," after a short time they will be held. Understanding the process of short duration to avoid the vicious circle of fear - when the internal emotional and mental stress is amplified by the constant fear of attack.
    If a state of panic can not be avoided, it is necessary to be ready for it, then experience rapid overcoming critical moment will guarantee the absence of the continued success of psychotherapy.
  • Breathing Technique. The main method of controlling panic attacks is the proper breathing. You need to train him in a relaxed atmosphere, to develop the necessary skills.
    At the first sign of panic symptoms will help slowing abdominal breathing - about 4 breaths per minute. It is necessary to make slow breath for 5 seconds, after a brief pause of 1-2 seconds - more smooth, gradual exhalation duration to 10 seconds. In this technique, it is important the duration of exhalation - it should exceed the time of inhalation.
    Close your eyes and try to relax the muscles. Hands at the same place on the upper part of the stomach to feel better breathing amplitude. Completely turn your brain into the process of breathing, mentally counting the seconds of inhalation and exhalation. Each time you exhale, slowly get rid of stress from the top down - first loosen the shoulders, back, legs. Within a short time, the body begins to relax, and a panic attack to subside.
  • Change in thinking and behavior. People suffering from panic attacks, tend to assume a state of abnormal and a sign of mental illness. Many are ashamed to admit their fears, even loved ones, which only aggravates the anxiety, nervous tension leads to depression.
    Try not to overwhelm, but to analyze their experiences and problems, not to leave issues of personal and professional plan "for later". It is important to rely not only on the logical understanding of the situation and to strive for an effective response - changes in behavior as a reaction to stressful situations. The habit of understanding emotions and feelings will help the body to develop a new behavior and to control fear.

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Dina 10.16.2018 at 17:16

My sudden panic attacks and anxiety disturbed for half a year ... about psychological tricks do not help much, because decided to apply to the formula of peace tryptophan and chamomile teas ... The mental state was much better ... + Now this feeling of fear and anxiety is gone, this is very good)

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