If the quality of sleep is disturbed, it automatically reduces the level of vital energy, there are troubles in life. Everything is interconnected in the human body. Insomnia may be due to nervous breakdowns, diets, excessive anxiety, inactivity, excessive sitting at the computer. In people suffering from debilitating, there are also symptoms of insomnia diseases. In order to effectively restore the normal sleep, observe the regime of the day, to establish a proper diet, eliminate overeating, less upset at the slightest pretext.
How to deal with insomnia - night story
Very fun class that will give dreams a positive attitude. You need to come up with a compelling story with interesting characters, in which the protagonist can be himself insomniac. It is better to let your imagination to connect all violent fantasy, if you want to create a kingdom or settle characters in a hut in the woods, make a cycling race with the participation in the center of events. Detailing the fictional world is desirable to the most detailed. For example, the windows can be seen in the polka-dot curtains, and carved on the door handle delicate work. We should not forget that in reality, the key to good sleep is also a soft comfortable bed, dim lights and the moral satisfaction from the previous day. Even if the day went bad, it's important to pretend that all is well. Positive able to do miracles.
How to deal with insomnia - bedtime ritual
If a person notices that a certain sequence of actions can lead his thoughts in order, it is necessary to make routine soothing moments. For example, an evening stroll in the park, riding a bike, home cleaning service, a warm shower, foam bath.
How to deal with insomnia - diet
Compliance with the diet have a positive effect on insomnia. If a person has the habit of drinking strong tea or coffee before going to sleep, then you should know that these drinks only embolden the nervous system, but does not contribute to good sleep. Overeating is also a negative impact on the timely immersed in a state of rest. Should eat 2 hours before bedtime, as the body processes of digestion occur, and this creates insomnia.
How to deal with insomnia - count sheep
The method is very old and working. It's very simple: in the mind recreated fluffy sheep, which are translated. If during counting the man gets off, it all starts over again. Thus, the brain gets tired and begins the phase of sleep. Sheep properly be considered as follows: "One sheep, two sheep, three sheep ...". Before you go to bed and begin to recount an unknown number of sheep should be minimized harsh sounds and lights in the room where a person sleeps. Breathing even and calm. Arms stretched along the body, the position of lying on the back. Calculating the sheep to infinity, and in reverse order. During conversion disappear intrusive thoughts, the body concentrates on monotonous work and slowly but surely turns to a state of rest.
How to deal with insomnia - thoughts in order
The method is to scroll through their working day at bedtime. The film slows down or speeds up. It stands out the most exciting, but positive moments. You want to see the whole day from morning till evening. Events can be restored in the memory in the minutest detail. It is advisable to remember the taste of the morning was scrambled eggs, or the thrill of weather. Before going to bed is recommended for 1.5 hours before bedtime drink a soothing mint tea and remove all irritants out of the room.
How to deal with insomnia - sleep resistance
Valid psychological principle - if something is currently disabled, the stronger the desire to get it. Using the knowledge, tricks the brain - during sleep time is given installation does not sleep. To do so, out of the room, where there will be rest, clean bright, annoying light, frightening sounds. Next, close your eyes and begin a mental confrontation sleep. Efficient use of bandages over his eyes.
Do not underestimate the impact of a healthy lifestyle in the process of insomnia. Only people who have tested the merits and demerits of these two variants of the life cycle, can say how very different life to breathe free man from the prisoner of his habits. The stronger the body, the more his spirit and clearer thinking. These are the first seeds on the way to a calm, regular dreams.
I'm fine with insomnia deal helped calm formula tryptophan and teas with chamomile ... Not for nothing do they say, the best-just))) Prior to that, tried some heavy uspokaiyuvaschie and snotvornye- and then they do not work ... so my advice to everyone, not to invent bicycle)) Try to start any easy means, as a rule, they well help