How to fall asleep if not sleep

How to fall asleep if not sleep

After a hard day, sleep becomes real salvation from fatigue and daytime fuss. But you can't fall asleep, turn from the sides on the side and with difficulty fall asleep when it starts light. In the morning, not sleeping, go to work with a bad mood. We will tell how to quickly fall asleep, if you do not sleep, without sleeping drugs.

How to fall asleep if you do not sleep - correctly prepare the bedroom to sleep

The bedroom is the place of comfort and silence. Prepare the room to normal sleep:

  • before bedtime, be sure to ventilate the room. Duchot and high temperature will cause insomnia and nightmares. Summer leave the window open all night;
  • pay attention to bed. Use bed linen from natural materials. Stop it smoothly and smoothly - without lumps and folds. Choose a small comfortable pillow and not a roast blanket;
  • hold the curtains on the windows. Flashing in front of the eyes of the moonlight or the lamp of the street lamp is not allowed to fall asleep;
  • remove flowers from the bedroom. Many plants interfere with falling asleep;
  • use earplugs for the ears if you prevent you from falling asleep;
  • change the pose to sleep in bed. Turn over the other side or back;
  • listen before bedtime in bed with calm music. Imagine how in childhood you sang a lullaby mother and immediately light up.

How to fall asleep if you don't sleep - we are struggling with the cause of insomnia

Determine why you are badly falling asleep. The cause of insomnia can become:

  • tight dinner before bedtime. Exclude tea, coffee and heavy dishes before bedtime. Drink a cup of kefira or be bored with a light salad;
  • serious physical activity or emotional experiences. If you have taken a stressful situation in the afternoon, in bed, you will be climbing obsessive thoughts. Try not to think about anything, I still can't solve the problem at night. Severe physical work, too, before bedtime contraindicated;
  • incorrect day of the day. Try to go to bed in the evening an hour earlier and get up in the morning an hour earlier. Habit will work quickly, and in the evening you will feel pleasant fatigue;
  • lack of outdoor walks. You stayed a whole day in the stuffy office, almost there were almost no and want to quickly fall asleep? Stroll before bedtime in any weather. Fresh air will have a relaxing effect on the body, and you will quickly sleep;
  • viewing gears on TV before bedtime. Do not see one hour in front of the TV, especially horror films. Better read the romantic history;
  • disease. If nothing helps - pass the survey in the clinic. Many diseases become causing insomnia.

How to fall asleep if you do not sleep - Effective technique

The respiratory technique will help to fall asleep quickly. Train daily and exercise before bedtime in bed:

  • conveniently lie down and put on your stomach;
  • touch the sky tip of the tongue;
  • consider to four and deeply inspire your nose;
  • delay for 7 seconds breathing;
  • leave the language in the same position, and through open mouth exhale, having counted up to eight.

Repeat the technique 4 times. Increase the repetitions to 8-10 times, and you can easily fall asleep.

How to fall asleep if not sleep - folk recipes

A glass of warm milk with honey, chamomile tea in front of bedtime, baths with hop cones and even buns with poppy seeds. Take the bathroom in an hour before sleep, they help relieve tension and calm the nervous system. Useful tips:

  • wash in hot water legs 20 minutes before sleep;
  • attach your warmer with warm water;
  • drink a little wine overnight;
  • ask household to make you a head massage in bed;
  • mix the dying and tincture of valerian in the same proportions and drink before bedtime. Mint's decoctions, Melissa and Castobus also have a relaxing and soothing effect;
  • eat kiwi or banana. They are rich in endorphins and contribute to a good sleep.

Do not take sleeping preparations without appointing a doctor. If it is impossible to fall asleep and all methods are tried - consult a doctor and it will prescribe you treatment. Observe the mode of the day, walk before bedtime and discard all the disturbing thoughts, and you quickly get into the embrace of Morpheus.

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Alexander 09/08/2018 at 11:32.

I had a falling problem about a year ago - because of this I did not get enough sleep ... The doctor advised the formula of peace of mind tryptophan and try to go to bed early, and it worked! Now I fall asleep easily, I wake up too, without any problems

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