Almost every one of us got into a situation where the necessary information is literally falling out of my head and remember it does not work. To avoid such cases, the memory needs to be trained. You can do this in several ways.
Properly organize your daily diet because food is directly linked to brain function. The most fruitful influence on the functioning of the brain have vitamins A, C, K, E, each of which affects the specific brain process, allowing to improve memory, prevent lethargy movements, to protect you from excessive fatigue. For the development of the memory of your diet should contain rye bread, fresh fruit and vegetables, red meat, walnuts, flaxseed oil, herbs and buckwheat.
positiveimpactonmemoryhavebrain teasergames, for example, chess, checkers, crosswordsandpuzzles. Suchclassesmakeourbrainfunctionmoreactively, whatresultstoaccelerateddevelopmentattentionandmemory. Aafter allexactlyattention — this isfirstcomponentgoodmemory.
The more blood flow to your brain - the more fruitful it operates. Systematic physical training accelerate blood circulation, thus positively affecting your mental abilities. Classes at the gym, running around the stadium, home fitness - all increase the ability of the brain, and your memory as well. The rational combination of physical exercise, proper diet and refraining from bad habits can yield incredible results.
In addition to exercise, special teas and tinctures from herbs can be used for the development of memory. The most popular is the infusion of clover. The recipe of its preparation is simple - 500 grams of flowering clover heads, rinse in warm water and dry thoroughly. Pour them into a deep bowl and pour 500 ml of vodka, then close tightly and store in a cool dark place for 2 weeks. Every day during this time, shake well the bowl with the infusion. Upon expiration of the strain through cheesecloth and drink take a spoonful every day for three months. Then make a three-week break and repeat the course again.
One of the oldest ways to improve memory is meditation. Sit in a comfortable position, relax and focus on your breathing. Breathing slowly, making a delay between inhalation and yield of 5-6 seconds. By doing this exercise for 5-10 minutes, you can refresh your memory and prepare it for a big dose of new information.
Memory Development fruitfully affect not only the brain, but also on your overall health. Eat right, keep a healthy lifestyle - and body will thank you excellent health and a wonderful memory.
Svetlana is certainly worth it, how to work as memory and attention brings. I once took Mildronat me it's great help. And performance has generally improved and improved memory.
Can poovetovat primarily to balance your diet by itself noticed that when there is no longer any food waste, has increased the amount of vegetables, fruits and fish in the diet + additionally started taking tincture of clover and glycine Fort memory has improved markedly. Now even I begin to recall what has long been tightly buried in the memory. So try it, I think, and this method will help you
Memory constantly need to train: teach poetry, just read. I have courses drink additives such as omega 3 and ginkoum, sometimes even vitamins. It is also necessary to try to maintain an active lifestyle and do not linger on the debt at the computer)
Something my little head does not cook (((On the blockage, no memory at all, and because of this a lot of stocks. Maybe something worth poprinimat?
Svetlana is certainly worth it, how to work as memory and attention brings. I once took Mildronat me it's great help. And performance has generally improved and improved memory.
Can poovetovat primarily to balance your diet by itself noticed that when there is no longer any food waste, has increased the amount of vegetables, fruits and fish in the diet + additionally started taking tincture of clover and glycine Fort memory has improved markedly. Now even I begin to recall what has long been tightly buried in the memory. So try it, I think, and this method will help you
Memory constantly need to train: teach poetry, just read. I have courses drink additives such as omega 3 and ginkoum, sometimes even vitamins. It is also necessary to try to maintain an active lifestyle and do not linger on the debt at the computer)