How to develop the right brain hemisphere

How to develop the right brain hemisphere

Enough for a long time scientists proved, what right and the left hemisphere  of the brain divided and perform their specific tasks. Left hemisphere responds per conscious actions, for example, ability man analyze, classify received information and sort her on specific featured. Exactly here formed task and estimated her solution. Right hemisphere our of the brain functions at all otherwisev nem. full different disorderly information, here always creative mess. Exactly it responds per perception musical and art images, a sosame per graphicallyshaped thinking.

spatial thinking is an one from major function right hemisphere. Because I. zobrazitelnoe art it allows not only express vision mira, but and develop skills perceptions object entirely - class paintings acts one from best ways his development.

V quality workout great suitable listening classical music. If same w. you enough free of timelearn play on whatsomething music instrument. Scientists proved, what people, periodically listening classical music have best memory, extended vocabulary stock and more high level IQ. V science this is extraordinary phenomenon received title « the effect Mozart».

considerable role v development and encouraging activities right hemisphere occupy nutrition. systematic use food, enriched flavonoids, stimulates the our possibilities v the field logical reflections and prevents degeneration of the brain. This element v big concentration located v berries bilberry and blueberry. except togo, them enriched green tea and red wine.

prolonged location v room, lit bright light significantly increases activity cerebral activities man. best the effect reached  at use natural sunlight lighting or uV lights.

except everyday, exists weight scientific techniques development activities of the brain. Everything they are based on possibilities man to govern his imagination. Their embodiment v life must implemented v secluded place, be accompanied calm furnishings and relaxation melody. One from such examples maybe serve mandala. Under that strange named hiding sacred pattern, long viewing whom stimulates the brain activity.

The above information contains  basic  knowledge  o volume, how can develop the right hemisphere of the brain. V these training no absolutely nothing complex and difficult, a the only thing main requirement, charge against to nIMsystematic of. Adhering to these rules, you will be able to improve their perception of the world and further develop the work of the brain easily.

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Nastya 11.06.2018 at 18:20

I think you need to develop brain activity completely, and not by some parts)) I've been trying to teach poetry more often, I eat right, take supplements (fish oil and ginkoum). All this rabotet fine ... as evidenced by the fact that the work has shown good results of the year have risen by 2 points and will soon become the chief)

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