How to develop the brain

How to develop the brain

What are you dreaming about? Start a business, get a doctorate, to reach an understanding with children, traveling around the world? Whatever your desire, it is achievable. Psychologists have proved that with the need for the person has the energy and for its implementation. Limitations occur only in our mind, which is why it is necessary to develop the brain, accustomed to this as a daily gymnastics.

Our brains are tuned to operate according to our thoughts, and if you believe that there is no way - it does not offer you a single option. To succeed, learn to think positively, read affirmations, raise self-esteem, go to the psychological training, learn from people who have already achieved what you want to have.

Become ambidexterity: learn to do everything left-handed as well as right. Draw simultaneously with both hands. Try to draw a triangle with one hand, and the other circle. It synchronises the work of the cerebral hemispheres.

Rest present. For a more acute sense of "here and now" block one of the sensations. For example, take a shower with your eyes closed, completely surrendering to the sensations. Work with their fears, the mind, clutched in their vices, can not operate at full capacity. Write a list of what you are afraid, and do it (being reasonable care and a sense of proportion!).

Invent new and exciting ways to use familiar objects. Invent embodiment 20 as can be used, for example, stool. Take care of the new non-standard for your hobbies. For example, if you are an office worker, go hiking, if you manual worker, read at your leisure materials in physics or philosophy.

Decide each day on some logical problems. Compose mind maps. Read the literature of different genres and directions. Master the method of blind typing. Play chess, preferably with a more powerful enemy. Analyze events and find parallels between seemingly unrelated things. In any situation, look for the source of the problem, look deeper.


Eat foods that are useful for the brain, drink plenty of water. A slight feeling of hunger stimulates the brain and prevent it from over-eating. Keep your posture straight! Exercise, breathe deeply - it relieves stress, which adversely affects the functioning of the brain. Get enough sleep, but do not sleep too long.

Here is an incomplete list of ways to help you develop a brain and tune it to achieve the desired goals. Valuable advice for intellectuals: more laugh. SRAs comedy and humorous transmission, read jokes and funny stories, because laughter is not only prolongs the life and improves its quality. He has a positive effect on the mind, making the mind is flexible and able to solve the problem.

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Nina 09.09.2018 at 17:23

I thought that we have to somehow improve brain function when at work everything was to fall out of the hands ... And the most banal, but the right decision, which affected me-restful sleep. Although, of course, in addition also took carnosine evalarovsky and soothing teas. As a result, now the information is stored easily improved performance, the most important thing)

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