How to read the facial expressions

How to read the facial expressions

A person - not just an aesthetic part of the body that is responsible for our appeal. It can be accompanied by our emotions, so can both reveal the sincere feelings, and give true intentions. Despite the fact that there are people who can control their facial expressions, to know the basic facial "punctures" still stands.

Joy, good cheer, delight in mimicry

Joyful emotions can be recognized by the following features:

  • smile, which involves the eyes and upper cheeks;
  • slightly raised eyebrows;
  • transverse wrinkles on the forehead;
  • bright eyes, direct, lively look.

Joyful state is characterized by the active participation of all facial expressions with face and through time is replaced by sedation. If the smile froze for a long time indifferent face - such joy is hardly sincere.

Shame, embarrassment, guilt through facial expressions

The fact that the man be ashamed or embarrassed, he feels, can prompt such mimic "factors":

  • drooping eyes or withdrawn in the direction of gaze;
  • eyebrows, his head lowered;
  • eyelids slightly raised or lowered completely;
  • a person is taken aside, blushing.

Take a closer look and to other parts of the body - shame lifts his shoulders, a person squeezes into a ball, cover the face makes.

Anxiety, fear, fear in facial expressions

Feeling restless, frightened or fear in many respects "mimic" similar, but have some differences:

  • fright - eyes wide, "running around" view, paleness, confusion on his face;
  • anxiety - "wandering", restless body language, "run", inattentive eyes, fussiness;
  • fear, terror - frozen face, dilated eyes, straight, slightly raised his eyebrows, drooping corners of the mouth.

Lies, dishonesty in facial expressions

Suspect that the source is not quite sincere with you, to help mimic the following tips:

  • microstrain fleeting facial muscles ( "A shadow passed over");
  • "Run" or leer, avoiding contact "eye to eye", squinting, frequent blinking;
  • light insincere ironic smile;
  • redness and skin pallor.

Also pay attention to the voice - a lie is changing timbre, intonation, speed of speech. Liar can speak faster or slower than usual higher or a hoarse voice.

Interest, attention, indifference in facial expressions

If you see that your partner is turned face-to you and stares right at you - most likely he is interested in a dialogue (or you). At the same time his eyes will be opened, the forehead area - flat or extended, the nose - slightly directed forward. Roth an interested interlocutor closed, brows furrowed slightly.

If the interviewee is looking down or pass you by, his eyes dull, his eyelids closed, his mouth slightly open, and the corners of his omitted - you and your conversation is not interesting to him.

Anger, resentment, pride, through facial expressions

The fact that a person is unpleasant situation may indicate the fold in the nose area, tense muscle area above the upper lip, pursed lips. Cheerleaders must also expanded nostrils and raised wings of the nose, straight "piercing" eyes, redness of the face.

neglect or sense of disgust can express your head elevated, direct look from top to bottom, wrinkled his nose, pulled back, often asymmetrical lips. It can often be a smile of superiority.

Facial expression - one of the components of the equation true human emotions. To get the full picture, please also refer to the gestures, behavior, intonation.

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