Thursday salt how to cook

Thursday salt how to cook

When we face problems, you often remember the Most High Forces. Often from the older generation in such difficult situations you can hear about the threaten salt. Let's figure out what it represents and for what they use it.

What is the Thursday Sal

Thursday salt is a very necessary and useful thing. It must be necessarily in every home. Thursday salt is a black powder can also call it "black salt".

When you can and you need to use the Thaparent Salt

There is a lot of acceptance and belief related to this salt. She used our ancestors in ancient times. The main properties that the Thursday Sol possesses are:

  • Protects from the evil eye. To do this, you need to pour this salt into a small bag and carry it on my chest.
  • Helps with harvest. In order for the harvest is always rich, pre-grain is mixed with this salt before sowing.
  • Protects from failures and various troubles. If something bad happens in the house, you need to scatter a little on all corners of the house. In the long road, they also advise to take a handful of this salt.
  • It helps to recover with various diseases. It is worth drinking a salt solution, which is prepared from ordinary water and the Thurspath Salt.
  • To protect the child, it is also worth useing the Thurspen Salt. It is enough with each bathing to pour it into the water in small quantities.

It is believed that such a defender should be in every home. He will always guard the house from the ailments, misfortune, disorders in the family, and also attract everything positively and good to the house.

How to cook a threshold salt

You can prepare a threshold salt once a year. This day is pure Thursday. It happens for a passion week. This week passes before the Great Holiday - Easter. With clean Thursday, there is also a lot of believes, which is why the salt is prepared only on this day. From here it went and its name.

There are quite a few options for the preparation of the Thurspage Salt, but the main one is a recipe, from which the various variations are then going.

For this recipe, we need the usual cook salt and rye flour. It is better to buy all this too into pure Thursday before Easter. Rye flour need to take 12 tablespoons. Prepare a good high-quality frying pan in advance (you can take the usual cast iron). Pour the salt package (1 kg) in the pan. Then we pour rye flour. We put it all on the fire at the same time repeating three times the necessary words: "Clean Thursday will save from the worms and all sorts of reptiles. Save and survive for a long time. " We pump out the salt until the flour becomes real black ash. At the same time stir clockwise with a wooden spoon. After cooking this salt, we leave it on the stove, covering the cloth. We wait for the midnight of the clean Thursday and spend the salt into the linen bag, in which it will be stored the whole next year.

If for many years about the Thourn Soli do not forget, then it really has its magic properties. Therefore, it is worth you to prepare such a threshold salt and believe in the best. Let in our homes and families always reign peace, consent and love.

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