How to wander the one who likes

How to wander the one who likes

How often people suffer from unnecessary love. And I want only one thing - so that a loved one was nearby. When flirting, flirting or hints do not help, many turn to unconventional methods. With a spell, people have known for a long time, but do not everyone know how to make it right.

Consider a simple option - a love speaker. To do this, you will need: walnut, candle and live spider. In the phase of the growing moon, so the power of the spell will increase, scatter carefully shell, clean the contents and catch a spider. Place inside (the main thing - living), and the nut do up from all sides with wax. Spider is sealed, now I will pronounce the spell: "As a spider in the dungeon, it also wakes up, the white light wants to see, and (name, surname) will seek to be next to me. As the air spider is needed, so I need (my name) I will need (name, surname) ". Now we carry this box for 3 days. Do not tell anyone about the spell and do not touch the nut. On the fourth day, take into a deserted place and jump.

You can also paint on the tree, by photography or with the help of a personal thing. The main thing is to make a ritual yourself, so it will have a great power and will rather start working. And all because personally interested in the result and attach the maximum of the efforts.

You can not break your head and resort to the help of professionals - fortune-tales, signs or a barrier. An experienced professional can give a good advice and see if there is a future from your pair. Hold a conversation and tell about the consequences. The main thing is to be attentive, since now a lot of charlatans divorced.

It is impossible to break the will of a person and disappear after a couple of months. This is not a joint decision and not toys, if not sure, it is better to abandon the venture. If they decided, under no circumstances about this sacrament should learn extraneous, otherwise nothing will work. The most important thing is that the spell is not real love.

But before trying, think well. Are you ready to live with this person until the oldest? This is a very responsible effect, and you need to calculate all possible options.

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