How to terminate the OSAGO Agreement

How to terminate the OSAGO Agreement

Frequently related life situations when the insurer no longer needs insurance for certain reasons, he wants to terminate the contract even before the expiration date. Is it possible in this case to terminate the contract without any problems? And how to return the desired funds? Let's try to figure out!

CAUSES. Each driver has a reasonable right to the early termination of the insurance contract and the return of a certain amount of funds in one of the three following cases. First, if the car was not sold according to the general power of attorney. Secondly, if the car passed the disposal due to the impossibility of restoring it. Thirdly, if the owner or the insurer died. According to the Rules, the OSAGO, part of the funds, the company is obliged to return in case of its liquidation or bankruptcy. But, as a rule, it is almost unreal.

Dates. It is important to comply with the application for an application to the company's office. If the car is sold, and the appeal occurred only after a couple of months, then the money for the lost time would not be able to return. In the event of the death of the policyholder, the funds are charged from the day of the incident.

THE DOCUMENTS. To achieve a goal, it is necessary to provide certain documents to the insurer. The obligatory includes: the original policy and receipt with payment, a copy of the passport, certificate accounts or purchase and sale contract, the recycling act (if it happened), a copy of death certificate (if such is the situation). Some organizations may require additional documents: photocopy of TCP (having a note of the new owner), bank details and a copy of the savings record.

MONEY. It is equally important to understand who can get money. A part of the unused premium can be returned to the owner of the car, the heirs of the deceased, the insured, if he is the owner of the TC or has a notarial power of attorney. If you sold a car by general power of attorney, and the company does not want to pay money, nothing to panic. It is enough to enter into the insurance policy of the new owner and remove the amount for your funds from it.

The term of payment. In cases where the payment of cash is not provided in fact, it is produced within two weeks to the extent of the former insured. Means can be listed even before the specified period. But there are delays. If after 14 days promotion is not visible, contact the company's office. Perhaps an error occurred. If such a step has not brought the desired result, go to the leadership of the branch, and after - to court. In this time, the matter will still decide in your favor.

Of course, the termination of the CTP Agreement may not always go smoothly. After all, not all rules and laws are definitely interpreted. That the result becomes positive for you, it is worth carefully to delve into all moments and follow all the advice and recommendations.

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