How to choose the right credit card

How to choose the right credit card

A credit card allows you to pay for any product anywhere in the globe. Organizations issuing credit cards resort to various promotions to lure customers. For example, they offer interest -free rates for the use of cards in certain supermarkets or an increased grace period of using a credit card. However, the choice of credit card should be approached responsibly and carefully, so as not to regret your choice.

One of the main options for choosing a credit card is the fees that the organizations charge when issuing a card, annual tariffs for using the card, as well as contributions for closing, exceeding the limit and fines for delay in payment. When signing the contract, you should discuss all these points, read what is written in small print, because not all companies charge the same fees, and the size of these fees is also different.

Annually, it is necessary to make a fee for using a credit card, it is $ 25-50. Some credit organizations have a fee for closing the card account, which is about $ 25-50. If the money spent on the purchase exceeds the credit card limit, a fine of $ 25 is provided for this. If the payer has expired the payment, a fine is also provided for this, which some companies evaluate in the first few days after withdrawing money from the account.

When choosing a credit card, special attention should be paid to the annual interest rate. The lower the interest rate, the less the client will pay for using a credit card. Using the same credit card, you can make various purchases and make translations.

When concluding an agreement with a credit institution to issue a card, it is necessary to clarify the credit limit. This is the maximum amount that can be used to make advances, purchases, payments, etc. On Visa and MasterCard cards, the credit limit is thousands of dollars, on other cards the limit can be very small.

Despite the fact that a credit card can be used in any country in the world, you need to carefully consider the choice of currency in order to subsequently avoid double conversion. If the card holder plans to use mainly abroad, it is advisable to arrange it in the euro or dollars. For use in Russia, it is better to open a credit card rubles.

The holders of wealthy credit cards have a key to obtain a loan. Such users include people with bad credit history, and young customers. The credit limit of the owners of wealthy credit cards depends on the size of their deposit.

The grace period of using a credit card also plays an important role. After its expiration, the client will have to pay the debt in full. Typically, the grace period is about 25 days.

Many companies lure customers with various benefits and bonuses. They are awarded for using the services of certain stores or airlines.

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