How to translate money online

How to translate money online

With great intensity, the turnover is gaining a fairly convenient way of non-cash payments - transfer of money through the Internet. Consider some options for non-cash transfers online.

The most popular is the translation of own funds by cashflow through modern electronic payment systems, such as: "Webmoney Transfer", "Yandex money", "PayPal", «QIWI» et al. To begin with, use the information part of the resources submitted - read the system rules and make your choice.


For example, you stopped at the WebMoney, and this is right, because this International ONLINE settlement system is an unconditional leader among all others. To begin to carry out money transfers through the WebMoney e-wallet, a prerequisite is not only registration in the system, but also providing reliable personal data that are undergoing serious verification and confirmed on a special service, as well as a positive balance on the account. Article "How to use Webmoney" - To help you.

Translations of web mana

No less popular online method is a transfer of money through the official websites of mobile operators: "Megaphone", MTS And further.

Suppose you are a megaphone subscriber, go to the page "" And select a suitable translation method (on the card, phone or account).

Cash forever from the phone

If you are the owners of the MTS phone number, then go to "" - The Money Transferences tab.

MTS translations

A rather well-known option of non-cash payments through online services is the use of Internet banks: "VTB 24", "Sberbank ONL @ EN" and etc.

You have a valid plastic Sberbank card, on which cash is enough - go to the site ""Authorizes, go to the "Payments and Translations" tab and make money transfer. How to Get Sberbank Password Online - Read here.


We strongly recommend not to use little-known payment systems, as well as Internet resources providing services for non-cash transfers bypass official sites.

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