How to get a preferential loan

How to get a preferential loan

Credits tightly entered our lives and made it much more accessible. And if you use a loan with the mind, without dialing debts more than you get to give, there is nothing wrong with lending. Moreover, there are special preferential loans that will help you fulfill your dream without a huge overpayment. How to issue a preferential loan?

To take advantage of the program of preferential lending, it is necessary to study in detail the bank lending programs and find an offer whose conditions you satisfy. The preferential loan implies the application to the borrower of a reduced interest rate, the possibility of installments (for example, at the birth of a child in the family), an increase in the maximum loan period (this will help reduce the monthly load). Each bank has their own credit products designed for a separate audience of borrowers.

Benefits can take advantage of:

  • young families;
  • students;
  • young teachers;
  • military and other categories of citizens.

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Check out the offer offers on official websites or visit the branches personally. Learning the current proposals, choose what the most suitable for you (where you can save anymore), just be sure to consider additional payments and commissions. Then you should specify which package of documents must be provided during the application. Remember, the availability of income certificate can reduce the interest rate. If your salary is missing to repay a loan, you can attract relatives (spouse, parents) as a coacher (this, for example, offers Sberbank for mortgage lending).

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By collected all the documents, apply for a loan by specifying reliable information. Be prepared that your data will be checked (call by employer, family members). When your application will go through all the stages of consideration, you will tell you the answer. After that, you will have to visit the bank again to sign the contract and get funds.

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Students can count on credit from Sberbank for the payment of secondary and higher professional formation In the amount of 100% of the cost of learning. At the same time, the loan period may exceed the duration of study for 10 years. Pledge and insurance against the borrower are not required, ¾ refinancing rates subsidizes the state (the interest rate is 7.06%).

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Young families in Sberbank Can take advantage of maternity capital as the first contribution. A military A reduced interest rate on housing loan is proposed.

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One of the types of preferential loans can be called a credit card on which a period of interest-free use is installed. If the client returns the entire removed amount during, for example, 55 days (its conditions are installed in each bank) - it does not pay interest. So, using the card with the mind, you can get regular access to borrowed funds for free. To arrange such a map, you need to visit the Bank's branch, apply and answer all the issues of the employee of the institution. You will be asked to provide a minimum package of documents (usually it is a passport, INN, income certificate). The size of the credit limit is influenced by the salary of the client, its family and social status, credit history.

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At a slight decrease in interest rates can also be calculated by the holders of salary banks, civil servants, regular customers of a separate bank.

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