How to learn how to fight

How to learn how to fight

How to defend yourself in an unforeseen fight on the street? Thanks to our unique techniques, even a fragile girl will be able to defeat a gave muscular athlete!

How to learn how to fight - Psychology of street fight

The main thing in the conflict arising is tactics and your behavior. Consider a typical example - you go through the street at night and hear the shock: "Hey you, come here!" At this stage, choosing the wrong behavior line, 90% of people come out of this situation with losers. The fact is that the affected side is divided into 2 types:

  • Optimists - with such a proposal to approach dubious personalities, set themselves that there will be no fights, people just want to talk to someone, peace, etc. Quietly fit the enemy with a smile on the face and immediately fall under psychological pressure. First, you fulfilled their team, showing their advantage over you, secondly, seeing your support and not the mood to the fight, extortioners, if you refuse, pay money or jewelry will move to physical actions to give the severity of their requirements. As a result, you will stay without money and with injuries.
  • Speakers are people who believe that they can conversate the opponent to "crush" the enemy and will throw them away. Of course, such people exist, but firstly, they have good physical training, secondly, at least once a week participate in Sparring, thirdly - possess traveleled reflexes of response strikes or have a weapon. For the absence of all the above conditions, the spectacle method ends with your defeat from one strike.

What to do, you ask? With such a command in your address, evaluate whether the object of the request is a threat to you, if so, take it as a challenge and in 2-3 seconds, tune in to battle. And always have a clear plan of response and lines of behavior. Believe me, the presence of clear planned actions enhances your readiness to the physical confrontation. Usually, when the enemy sees your combat mood and confidence, it immediately retreats.

How to learn how to fight and not miss the first blow

Keep carefully for the neck and legs of the enemy. As we know, a rack for a fight is the left leg nominated forward, and the shock hand is reserved back. If a person decided to strike you, he gets up in a preparatory position, it can be different:

  • The enemy pretends that he hears badly - it stands up to you left half, leans his head and substitute the ear, forcing you something to answer. The shock hand is at this time behind, after which it calmly makes scope and strikes.
  • A person with a conflict situation greatly gesticulates his hands in your face - testifies to his intentions to attack you. In this case, it is recommended to strike first.
  • In the process of disagreements, you begin to push into the chest - it is a kind of signal to a fight, or you, or he you. After pushing in response the enemy, he recluxed a little, choose a good position and hit. In this situation, do not repel the enemy in response, and immediately put a blow. As you know, the best defense is an attack.
  • At the time of the opposite conversation, the enemy begins to go to you - stopping on a hemisphere, takes a quickly preparatory rack and hit. In order to protect yourself, you can use a psychological reception, thereby destroying the plan of the attacker - jerk forward and get along the foot.

How to learn how to fight - basic techniques

  • If the enemy leads a straight blow to the head - press your hand to the head, protecting from the side impact, the elbow is handing the opponent's hand to yourself, make a straight grip. Flexing your hand can strike the enemy's elbow on the jaw, or you can take a blow to the forearm with the opponent's deflection back. Next, make the feed in your back and take a blow to another hand in the artery or clavicle.
  • In case the enemy grabbed you for "breasts" - lift one hand at the top and elbow lowering your center of gravity, beat the enemy in the middle of his hands, making a cried. From this position, the side movement of the elbow, hit the enemy to face, the second hand, make the neck capture and hit the knee in the stomach, then push off.

  • If you grabbed you for the sleeve of clothes - start turning your hand withdrawing up, over the shoulder joint, pass the effort to the enemy, dramatically lower the opponent's hand down and twist.

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